Page 45 - The Gonzaga Record 1989
P. 45

Back: V. MacMahon, J. Cooney, B. Connellan, T. Tuomey, P. O'Keefe, S. Fahy.
Front: S. O'Connor, D. Cooke, Fr. J. Dunne SJ, J. Gallagher, C. Hillery, P. Slattery.

We acted as Brancardiers, i.e. Here, pilgrims are immersed in
wheeling the sick in 'voitures' (similar Lourdes water. There are about twenty
to wheelchairs) to mass, processions, baths. In working there one witnesses
the baths etc. We also chatted with the inner strength and determination
them and gave them any help they of the sick. Helpers are also
needed. We were all apprehensive at encouraged to take the plunge!
first but soon were able to carry out Our day was long, starting at 6 a.m.
our various duties confidently. and finishing at 10 p.m. Each day was
The invalids vary greatly in age. followed by some welcome hours of
There were fifteen or so young chil- relaxation and fun.
dren on the Pilgrimage. Many go to We are grateful to the Past Pupils'
Lourdes hoping for cures; few expect Union for their continued financial
them. They go for personal reconcili- support.
ation and for help in accepting their For all of us, it was a unique experi-
illnesses. One quickly notices the faith ence being our first real contact with
and patience of the sick. intense human suffering. The bravery,
One invalid with whom I was talking patience and faith of the sick were a
had advanced multiple sclerosis. She source of inspiration to us all. Our
was about thirty-five and the mother experience of working in Lourdes
of two young children. I asked her did defies description but we all felt the
she find it hard to accept her disease. richer for it and recommend it to our
She replied, "I could be worse", glan- successors.
cing at the invalids around her.
Most of the Gonzaga group had the Conor Hillery
honour of working in "the baths".
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