Page 47 - The Gonzaga Record 1989
P. 47
vocals (remember Petroffs song, the Thespian pretention - the acting
axe shop number and the Janos- workshop. Afterwards, the fulfilled
Katerina match) and delicate stage co- group were shown around Shakespeare's
ordination, there was every reason that birthplace. Free time was then
this year's opera was its usual success allocated, and I spent mine wandering
and one of the highlights of the school the banks of the Avon. But my poetic
year. aspirations were interrupted, as a visit
to the home of Shakespeare's mother
John Cass (S.5) had been scheduled.
Mary Arden's cottage is situated
some distance from Stratford, but
STRATFORD '88 merits the journey. This small farm
bathed in rustic lassitude, has had
Six years of ardent anticipation were restored to it, or has preserved, the
finally realised as a drama-hungry charm of its former existence. Two
horde of Gonzaga students embarked guides there regaled us with stimul-
on its journey to Stratford-upon-Avon. ating anecdotes concerning Stratford
An invigorating Autumn breeze served and the Shakespearian legacy, but
to maintain high spirits and a relatively unfortunately, the time we could spend
smooth crossing was the promising with them was limited. After a meal in
beginning to what would be a most the town, we went to see King John at
memorable expedition. On the coach, the Royal Shakespeare Theatre. Ex-
however, budding Romantics were not haustion, however, proved too much
alone in their expression of disgust at for many members of the group and
the ugliness of industrialised Britain little attention was paid to what I hear
and the desire to wallow copiously in was a spirited performance.
the unspoiled beauty, which is The monotony of the trip home was
Stratford's heritage, was quickly relieved by a trip to Oxford, where Mr
heightened. Bevan, so convincing was he in his role
On the first evening we proceeded to as guide to this university town, that
"The Other Place", what appeared to he attracted a group of American
be a converted barn, but what proved tourists, who gazed on admiringly.
to be an endearing alternative to the This author would like to extend the
common perception of a theatre. thanks of those fortunate to partici-
Inside, chins were scratched expertly, pate in the trip; to Mr Bevan, to Mr
as the purpose of a quadrangular Cusack and Mr Murphy to whom
centrepiece was debated fervently. It much credit for the success of the trip
was of course, the stage, upon which a must be ascribed.
captivating and enlightening perform-
ance of "King Lear" would take place. Alan Boxberger (S.6)
Central to the action of this tragedy is
the division in three of the kingdom:
the stage collapsed appropriately, into
three sections, amid a storm manufac- COMMUNITY SUPPORT
tured by the cast, who wailed passion- GROUP
atley, threw twigs, and recreated
effectively atmospheric upheaval. Out- After two very successful years the
side an old aphorism was renewed, Community Support Group adapted
that simplicity is fundamental to and expanded even more and swung
genius. into action in mid-October. The four
A return there began the next day, sub-groups continued right through-
for a glorious manifestation of out the year and involved all the 5th

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