Page 43 - The Gonzaga Record 1989
P. 43
single-day and the overall Dublin URBAN PLUNGE
collecting records. In addition to the (NOVEMBER 1988) PLUS
elephant push, a busking group, in REVERSE PLUNGE
Grafton Street, led by Eoin Moore,
proved lucrative collectors. By the end (APRIL 1989),
of the week, all of Gonzaga Fifth Year GONZAGA COLLEGE
was thoroughly exhausted.
In the end we realised over £19,000, a 'Nothing ventured, nothing gained'
credit to all those who worked so hard was my attitude when Fr Paul Lavelle
on this project. We would like to thank came to talk to Sixth Year about the
all those who gave their time and possibility of doing the Urban Plunge
money so generously to us, especially: last Autumn. Waiting in Rutland
Ms Bernadette Dunne, the entire staff Street College on a freezing November
of the school, our parents who gave us night for the van to take myself and 5
such invaluable support, and of other Southsiders to Darndale was a
course, Fr Brennan, without whom the terrifying experience. Never have I
Project could not have been possible. been so petrified. Though I knew that
The Committee: David Bateman surely everything would go well, it was
(Chairman), David Carthy, Ross always going to be .... well, different.
Morgan, Brian Kennedy, Cormac 15 guys from the Year opted to
Deane, Paul McVeigh, Annraoi Morris, 'plunge' and for the vast majority, it
Darragh Finn and Marcus Dowling. was an unqualified success. It is diffi-
Builders: Annraoi Morris, Edmund cult to give a sufficient impression of
Garvey, Donal 0 Huiginn, Barry what 'plunging' entails. I hope that
O'Mahony and Cormac Deane. next year's class will be well repre-
sented, and I would advise them to
David Carthy, (S.5A) stay with a family, if at all possible,


Front: C. Linehan, S. Higgins, A. Kelly, C. McGorrigan, A. Boxberger.
Back: C. Conlon, B. Connellan, J. Gallagher, C. Hillery, S. Mclnerney, J. McKenna.

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