Page 41 - The Gonzaga Record 1989
P. 41
the dual aim of informing its audience which charities would benefit by our
while relieving them of monies to efforts was made. They were to be:
fund Amnesty's work. After ten GOAL, the Kerdiffstown House Fund
week's rehearsal, with the generous (a holiday home for the aged run by
participation of the girls from Muck- the St Vincent de Paul), and Focus-
ross Park, Don Taylor's version of point. A generous response from many
Sophocles' 'Antigone' was produced of Ireland's top companies and
on April 21. Over £200 was raised, frenzied collecting by those in Fifth
doubling last year's figure. Sarah Year themselves meant that we had a
Hargaden played the eponymous substantial sum in the bank prior to
daughter of Oedipus whose absolute the main week of the project.
loyalty to her dead brother leads her On the morning of Monday, 13
into fatal conflict with her uncle, the March, the pirate ship which was to be
pragmatic king Creon (Eugene pushed to Limerick made its first
Downes). Mr Regan's imaginative public appearance. In proved to be the
direction and the hard work of cast, most impressive and by far the largest
chorus and crew provided a focus for item to be pushed to Limerick yet, and
the year's efforts. credit deservedly goes to all of the
'Antigone' symbolises the indivi- shipbuilders for all the work they put
dual's struggle for freedom and recog- into it. The trusty elephant, now, on
nition against the state. The students account of old-age, sitting on a box,
of Beijing are not alone in their was once again to be pushed around
oppression. Amnesty International Dublin.
has a cause crying out for our com- The push-off was attended by the
mitment. actor, David Herlihy, and represen-
tatives from the press, as well as many
Eugene Downes (S.5) friends and well wishers. Credit goes to
our publicity team of Darragh Finn
It should be added that the standard and Marcus Dowling, who, co-operating
of the 'Antigone' production was closely, not only succeeded in getting
extraordinarily high with Eugene us into the papers and on radio but
playing an outstanding part. Ed. also for the first time we were seen on
national television. After the push-off,
the Dublin and Limerick teams parted
ways at Sandford Road, not to meet
FIFTH YEAR PROJECT again for a week when there would be
1988-89 many stories to tell.
Despite the adverse weather con-
On 12 September 1988, Fifth Year ditions and various other misfortunes,
elected a committee for this year's the spirit of all those on the Limerick
project. The project itself did not push never let up, and neither did the
begin until 13 March 1989. In the collecting! The soothing music and
intervening period the committee with ready wit of Ed Garvey, and the ener-
the full co-operation and support of getic Captain Punishment were an
the class busied themselves with all of inspiration for many as, even on the
the numerous tasks involved in run- last testing "marathon" from Nenagh
ning a successful project. to Limerick, we marched on. Our en-
It was soon decided that the success- joyable and successful trip owes much
ful format of a push to Limerick and to the co-operation and hospitality of
a push around Dublin would be used many friends along the route.
again. After meeting many charity re- Meanwhile, the Dublin team, led by
presentatives, the difficult decision of Cormac Deane, was breaking both the
while relieving them of monies to efforts was made. They were to be:
fund Amnesty's work. After ten GOAL, the Kerdiffstown House Fund
week's rehearsal, with the generous (a holiday home for the aged run by
participation of the girls from Muck- the St Vincent de Paul), and Focus-
ross Park, Don Taylor's version of point. A generous response from many
Sophocles' 'Antigone' was produced of Ireland's top companies and
on April 21. Over £200 was raised, frenzied collecting by those in Fifth
doubling last year's figure. Sarah Year themselves meant that we had a
Hargaden played the eponymous substantial sum in the bank prior to
daughter of Oedipus whose absolute the main week of the project.
loyalty to her dead brother leads her On the morning of Monday, 13
into fatal conflict with her uncle, the March, the pirate ship which was to be
pragmatic king Creon (Eugene pushed to Limerick made its first
Downes). Mr Regan's imaginative public appearance. In proved to be the
direction and the hard work of cast, most impressive and by far the largest
chorus and crew provided a focus for item to be pushed to Limerick yet, and
the year's efforts. credit deservedly goes to all of the
'Antigone' symbolises the indivi- shipbuilders for all the work they put
dual's struggle for freedom and recog- into it. The trusty elephant, now, on
nition against the state. The students account of old-age, sitting on a box,
of Beijing are not alone in their was once again to be pushed around
oppression. Amnesty International Dublin.
has a cause crying out for our com- The push-off was attended by the
mitment. actor, David Herlihy, and represen-
tatives from the press, as well as many
Eugene Downes (S.5) friends and well wishers. Credit goes to
our publicity team of Darragh Finn
It should be added that the standard and Marcus Dowling, who, co-operating
of the 'Antigone' production was closely, not only succeeded in getting
extraordinarily high with Eugene us into the papers and on radio but
playing an outstanding part. Ed. also for the first time we were seen on
national television. After the push-off,
the Dublin and Limerick teams parted
ways at Sandford Road, not to meet
FIFTH YEAR PROJECT again for a week when there would be
1988-89 many stories to tell.
Despite the adverse weather con-
On 12 September 1988, Fifth Year ditions and various other misfortunes,
elected a committee for this year's the spirit of all those on the Limerick
project. The project itself did not push never let up, and neither did the
begin until 13 March 1989. In the collecting! The soothing music and
intervening period the committee with ready wit of Ed Garvey, and the ener-
the full co-operation and support of getic Captain Punishment were an
the class busied themselves with all of inspiration for many as, even on the
the numerous tasks involved in run- last testing "marathon" from Nenagh
ning a successful project. to Limerick, we marched on. Our en-
It was soon decided that the success- joyable and successful trip owes much
ful format of a push to Limerick and to the co-operation and hospitality of
a push around Dublin would be used many friends along the route.
again. After meeting many charity re- Meanwhile, the Dublin team, led by
presentatives, the difficult decision of Cormac Deane, was breaking both the