Page 40 - The Gonzaga Record 1989
P. 40
beneath his lover's window and the AMNESTY
excellently executed ghost scene. INTERNATIONAL
Special thanks must be given to
Kevin Quinn and Peter O'Keeffe for Amnesty is now three years old in
lighting, Robert O'Mahony for sound Gonzaga. Some problems remain:
and Siobhan Keogh who, with the help letter-writing is still somewhat sporadic,
of the girls from Muckross Park, while other possible activities are yet to
designed the costumes which greatly be attempted. Nevertheless, a tangible
added to the realism of the perform- contribution was made to school life
ance. this year, in large part due to the con-
By 10.30 p.m. on Saturday night it stant determination of Mr Regan.
was all over. The tradition of success One of the most striking events that
was carried on for another year. As took place was a public meeting held
some of the players hung around in October to publicise the current
extracting the last ounce from the situation in Colombia. The principal
atmosphere, Mr Michael Bevan stole speaker was a Colombian lawyer who
quietly away into the night with a case had narrowly escaped assassination,
of Italian wine lovingly cradled in his being shot at several times as he was
arms and with Mr Gerry Murphy in leaving the country with his family.
close attendance. Whether or not there Hearing him speak brought a remote
was any truth in the rumour that Mr problem to vivid, disturbing life.
Bevan had made more than one Perhaps this represents part of
novena to St Jude in the weeks prior to Amnesty's mission: a promotion of
the play was a matter for supposition awareness and understanding, so
but, by 10.30 p.m. on Saturday night, essential for the solution of the
his prayers had clearly been answered. Human Rights problem.
The decision was made to stage a
Tim Tuomey play for the second year running, with
Back: I. Curtin, P. Martin, K. McCarthy, N. Devlin, A. Toner, D. O'Neill.
Front: C. Masterson, J. Cass, E. Downes, E. O'Duill, E. Farrelly, M. Dowling, J. O'Brien.
excellently executed ghost scene. INTERNATIONAL
Special thanks must be given to
Kevin Quinn and Peter O'Keeffe for Amnesty is now three years old in
lighting, Robert O'Mahony for sound Gonzaga. Some problems remain:
and Siobhan Keogh who, with the help letter-writing is still somewhat sporadic,
of the girls from Muckross Park, while other possible activities are yet to
designed the costumes which greatly be attempted. Nevertheless, a tangible
added to the realism of the perform- contribution was made to school life
ance. this year, in large part due to the con-
By 10.30 p.m. on Saturday night it stant determination of Mr Regan.
was all over. The tradition of success One of the most striking events that
was carried on for another year. As took place was a public meeting held
some of the players hung around in October to publicise the current
extracting the last ounce from the situation in Colombia. The principal
atmosphere, Mr Michael Bevan stole speaker was a Colombian lawyer who
quietly away into the night with a case had narrowly escaped assassination,
of Italian wine lovingly cradled in his being shot at several times as he was
arms and with Mr Gerry Murphy in leaving the country with his family.
close attendance. Whether or not there Hearing him speak brought a remote
was any truth in the rumour that Mr problem to vivid, disturbing life.
Bevan had made more than one Perhaps this represents part of
novena to St Jude in the weeks prior to Amnesty's mission: a promotion of
the play was a matter for supposition awareness and understanding, so
but, by 10.30 p.m. on Saturday night, essential for the solution of the
his prayers had clearly been answered. Human Rights problem.
The decision was made to stage a
Tim Tuomey play for the second year running, with
Back: I. Curtin, P. Martin, K. McCarthy, N. Devlin, A. Toner, D. O'Neill.
Front: C. Masterson, J. Cass, E. Downes, E. O'Duill, E. Farrelly, M. Dowling, J. O'Brien.