Page 50 - The Gonzaga Record 1989
P. 50
DONARD EASTER though, with people lamenting that
HOSTELLING this scum wouldn't come off, what on
SENIOR 11 earth was in this, etc.
No-one could avoid the 'Party
The hostelling trip got off to a good Pieces'. These ranged from a jig
start when we found that the long walk (courtesy of Fr Moylan) to card-tricks,
from the bus stop to the hostel was not and dubious activities with raincoats
necessary: a minibus had already been to impressions of teachers. Apart from
hired to carry us out the whole way the general failures of planned
from Gonzaga to the hostel itself. On activities, they raised a lot of laughs.
arnvmg we were warmly welcomed Bed followed, for those who could
and proceeded to our dorms to un- sleep.
pack, as did Mr O'O'Sullivan, Mrs On the next day, Mr O'Sullivan de-
Deane and Mr Carolan. Mrs Deane parted and Mr Behan arrived, ready
and Mr Carolan were to be with us for for his onerous duties. The day was
three days, Mr O'Sullivan for one. not nearly as nice weatherwise as the
Ours was a bigger group than those of first day had been. It was drizzling
previous years, but fortunately the heavily as we gathered for briefing in
ladies' dorms had also been acquired, the common-room. We were told (to
so there was no squashing to fit some disappointment) that Lugna-
everyone in. quilla was unclimable; instead the
After half an hour, we started off on Sugarloaf would do. After some in-
the first of the two hikes. The weather decision, a route was eventually but
was fine and sunny, which raised the firmly decided up the mountain. By
general morale. After passing Knock- then, we had bad feelings about what
anarrigan we climbed Brusselstown, the weather might be like, but we
"just a hill" (to quote Fr Moylan) and weren't badly affected by it yet. That
found a very big ring fort, which was was soon to change.
explained to us. Brusselstown had been We proceeded to the Lobawn area
small but steep, so many were which never seemed to end. Everyone
horrified by vicious rumours about but Fr Moylan was definitely feeling
Kaedeen ("It's twice as high and steep very bad. Lunch was eaten sitting on a
as this", "This was nothing!", etc.). mudbank; shivering and cursing the
However, the climb of Kaedeen started weather. However, it cleared up a little
after a snack, and about half way up later as we proceeded up Church
most found themselves pathetically Mountain and down again. By the
tired and, despite the protests of a few, time Donard was reached snuffling
we rested literally every few paces. and lamenting summed up the general
However, the climb was worth it feeling. The little store in Donard was
because we found snow at the top, and absently (no-one really noticed what
made up for the lack of it at Christmas they were doing) bought up, and then
with an prolonged snow war. After the long haul back to the hostel. A
descending, we found the road and great cheer went up as the comforting
made our way back to the hostel. light came into view.
No rest for the wicked. After However, after a change of clothes,
changing into dry clothes, Mass was good humour was restored and some
said, the chores were determined and of us began to look on the bright
done, and cooking proceeded. Mostly, points of the hike. Mass was again said
it went well, apart from one individual and the chaotic cooking began, much
insisting that he needed an hour to enjoyed. Party Pieces were concluded
cook his Tandoori Chicken. The at bedtime and we fell, tired but
washing-up wasn't enjoyed much hardened, into bed.
HOSTELLING this scum wouldn't come off, what on
SENIOR 11 earth was in this, etc.
No-one could avoid the 'Party
The hostelling trip got off to a good Pieces'. These ranged from a jig
start when we found that the long walk (courtesy of Fr Moylan) to card-tricks,
from the bus stop to the hostel was not and dubious activities with raincoats
necessary: a minibus had already been to impressions of teachers. Apart from
hired to carry us out the whole way the general failures of planned
from Gonzaga to the hostel itself. On activities, they raised a lot of laughs.
arnvmg we were warmly welcomed Bed followed, for those who could
and proceeded to our dorms to un- sleep.
pack, as did Mr O'O'Sullivan, Mrs On the next day, Mr O'Sullivan de-
Deane and Mr Carolan. Mrs Deane parted and Mr Behan arrived, ready
and Mr Carolan were to be with us for for his onerous duties. The day was
three days, Mr O'Sullivan for one. not nearly as nice weatherwise as the
Ours was a bigger group than those of first day had been. It was drizzling
previous years, but fortunately the heavily as we gathered for briefing in
ladies' dorms had also been acquired, the common-room. We were told (to
so there was no squashing to fit some disappointment) that Lugna-
everyone in. quilla was unclimable; instead the
After half an hour, we started off on Sugarloaf would do. After some in-
the first of the two hikes. The weather decision, a route was eventually but
was fine and sunny, which raised the firmly decided up the mountain. By
general morale. After passing Knock- then, we had bad feelings about what
anarrigan we climbed Brusselstown, the weather might be like, but we
"just a hill" (to quote Fr Moylan) and weren't badly affected by it yet. That
found a very big ring fort, which was was soon to change.
explained to us. Brusselstown had been We proceeded to the Lobawn area
small but steep, so many were which never seemed to end. Everyone
horrified by vicious rumours about but Fr Moylan was definitely feeling
Kaedeen ("It's twice as high and steep very bad. Lunch was eaten sitting on a
as this", "This was nothing!", etc.). mudbank; shivering and cursing the
However, the climb of Kaedeen started weather. However, it cleared up a little
after a snack, and about half way up later as we proceeded up Church
most found themselves pathetically Mountain and down again. By the
tired and, despite the protests of a few, time Donard was reached snuffling
we rested literally every few paces. and lamenting summed up the general
However, the climb was worth it feeling. The little store in Donard was
because we found snow at the top, and absently (no-one really noticed what
made up for the lack of it at Christmas they were doing) bought up, and then
with an prolonged snow war. After the long haul back to the hostel. A
descending, we found the road and great cheer went up as the comforting
made our way back to the hostel. light came into view.
No rest for the wicked. After However, after a change of clothes,
changing into dry clothes, Mass was good humour was restored and some
said, the chores were determined and of us began to look on the bright
done, and cooking proceeded. Mostly, points of the hike. Mass was again said
it went well, apart from one individual and the chaotic cooking began, much
insisting that he needed an hour to enjoyed. Party Pieces were concluded
cook his Tandoori Chicken. The at bedtime and we fell, tired but
washing-up wasn't enjoyed much hardened, into bed.