Page 48 - The Gonzaga Record 1989
P. 48
Year students in a variety of activities Assembly Hall. It is highly valued by
geared to help the disadvantaged in their therapists as one of their most
our community. Each of the students fruitful group activities. There was a
worked on a voluntary basis in their Christmas Party in their centre and the
own free time, at an activity of their year was rounded off with a picnic on
choice, from the four available. our lawn.
Aerobics for the Autistics took place After an experimental period (in
each Tuesday at lunchtime. Soccer and which rugby and basketball were tried)
basketball was organised on Wednes- the boys from St Declan's J.T.C. settled
days, at the end of school, for those into playing soccer. The weekly basket-
attending St. Declan's Junior Training ball match proved ever popular with
Centre for Travellers. Decorating work the girls. A thoroughly enjoyable
was undertaken on Saturday mornings 'Sports Day' rounded off the year.
in the homes of elderly people who A small but talented and committed
were living in poor circumstances. The group took on board the new scheme
fourth scheme was a new venture of teaching chess to some children in
whereby five of the 5th Years spent an the Cerebral Palsy Clinic in Sandy-
hour on Wednesday afternoons teach- mount. They moulded this into a very
ing chess to children suffering from worthwhile scheme that looks set to
cerebral palsy. have a happy future.
With the exception of a number of
students who wavered all year in their
commitment to serve the Autistics the
dedication and enthusiasm of this THE SOCIETY OF
year's 5th Year surpassed their pre- ST. VINCENT DE PAUL
decessors and stands very much to
their credit. The students' generosity On the second Tuesday of the new
and willingness to serve the less school year the first meeting of the
fortunate has enabled them to make a conference of St Aloysius Gonzaga
real contribution to the community, was held. The meeting had a distinctly
while at the same time, gaining an fourth year flavour to it, a trend which
appreciation of how grave and how thankfully continued throughout the
widespread, the needs are. They have year.
tremendous support in this from the The 10, 17 and 23 December were
Teaching Staff whose enthusiasm, chosen as the dates for our main fund-
commitment and expertise, encourages raising event: the carol singing in
and in many crucial ways, facilitates O'Connell Street. By far the most
the good work. successful day was the 23 when, due to
In the course of the year two the prevailing Christmas spirit, over
'prefab' dwellings and a flat off £700 was raised. The final total
Charlemont Street were renovated. amounted to £1450. P. Flynn and B.
Three houses in Crumlin, two in Young on guitar and D. O'Kelly on
Ranelagh and one in Donnybrook had clarinet provided some welcome
one or more rooms redecorated. These musical accompaniment.
tasks ranged from two to five visits The Christmas presents were
each, with a team of 4 students and a speedily purchased and efficiently
teacher. A pool of 16 students and 12 wrapped for the patients in the Royal
teachers working very hard over many Hospital, Donnybrook. They were dis-
hours, made this possible. tributed by the group of seasoned
The weekly aerobics sessions for the carol singers on the 22 December. B.
Autistics from the Gheel Training Kennedy coped well as Santa despite
Centre, take place in the College some minor mishaps. The afternoon
geared to help the disadvantaged in their therapists as one of their most
our community. Each of the students fruitful group activities. There was a
worked on a voluntary basis in their Christmas Party in their centre and the
own free time, at an activity of their year was rounded off with a picnic on
choice, from the four available. our lawn.
Aerobics for the Autistics took place After an experimental period (in
each Tuesday at lunchtime. Soccer and which rugby and basketball were tried)
basketball was organised on Wednes- the boys from St Declan's J.T.C. settled
days, at the end of school, for those into playing soccer. The weekly basket-
attending St. Declan's Junior Training ball match proved ever popular with
Centre for Travellers. Decorating work the girls. A thoroughly enjoyable
was undertaken on Saturday mornings 'Sports Day' rounded off the year.
in the homes of elderly people who A small but talented and committed
were living in poor circumstances. The group took on board the new scheme
fourth scheme was a new venture of teaching chess to some children in
whereby five of the 5th Years spent an the Cerebral Palsy Clinic in Sandy-
hour on Wednesday afternoons teach- mount. They moulded this into a very
ing chess to children suffering from worthwhile scheme that looks set to
cerebral palsy. have a happy future.
With the exception of a number of
students who wavered all year in their
commitment to serve the Autistics the
dedication and enthusiasm of this THE SOCIETY OF
year's 5th Year surpassed their pre- ST. VINCENT DE PAUL
decessors and stands very much to
their credit. The students' generosity On the second Tuesday of the new
and willingness to serve the less school year the first meeting of the
fortunate has enabled them to make a conference of St Aloysius Gonzaga
real contribution to the community, was held. The meeting had a distinctly
while at the same time, gaining an fourth year flavour to it, a trend which
appreciation of how grave and how thankfully continued throughout the
widespread, the needs are. They have year.
tremendous support in this from the The 10, 17 and 23 December were
Teaching Staff whose enthusiasm, chosen as the dates for our main fund-
commitment and expertise, encourages raising event: the carol singing in
and in many crucial ways, facilitates O'Connell Street. By far the most
the good work. successful day was the 23 when, due to
In the course of the year two the prevailing Christmas spirit, over
'prefab' dwellings and a flat off £700 was raised. The final total
Charlemont Street were renovated. amounted to £1450. P. Flynn and B.
Three houses in Crumlin, two in Young on guitar and D. O'Kelly on
Ranelagh and one in Donnybrook had clarinet provided some welcome
one or more rooms redecorated. These musical accompaniment.
tasks ranged from two to five visits The Christmas presents were
each, with a team of 4 students and a speedily purchased and efficiently
teacher. A pool of 16 students and 12 wrapped for the patients in the Royal
teachers working very hard over many Hospital, Donnybrook. They were dis-
hours, made this possible. tributed by the group of seasoned
The weekly aerobics sessions for the carol singers on the 22 December. B.
Autistics from the Gheel Training Kennedy coped well as Santa despite
Centre, take place in the College some minor mishaps. The afternoon