Page 44 - The Gonzaga Record 1989
P. 44
rather than with a group in a pres- had more appreciative guests. It was a
bytery, to get the full effects. real pleasure to take them places
We were told that we would feel because they were so uninhibited in
shocked and, hopefully, indignant that expressing their feelings.
such inequalities could occur in our The thing that struck them most
own country. I stayed with a family in was the lack of neighbour contact and
Darndale. My 'contact' was called the abundance of trees. That might
John, or 'Wardy', and though he was sound silly but there are no trees, fields
only a year older than me, he could or birds in Darndale. How little we
have passed for twenty-five. It was not appreciate all we have! Having
a little daunting that he was six feet trounced me at golf, much to their glee
five and had streaked blond hair. I'm but perhaps no surprise, we parted
not sure how overjoyed he was to be ways. As they left, having told 'my ma
my host but quickly, we 'melted the that she was a great cook: they turned
ice' and it was fine. He's a part-time and somewhat poignantly, wished us
lorry unloader, gets up at 6 a.m. every 'good luck'. As I returned to the afore-
morning and doesn't return until 7 in thought all-important Leaving
the evening. I was with the 'ma' when Certificate, John and Mark returned
she shopped in 'Northside' Centre - to the reality to face the inevitable
she had to be painstakingly careful hardships with not even a glimmer of
with what she bought because she only sunshine peeking through the dark
had £15 to spend. Her husband is clouds on the horizon. We owe it to
about to be laid off and she confided them to try to build a bridge of friend-
that she was dreading having to collect ship between north and south sides of
the dole. The dole centre is so our city. You, in Gonzaga 6th Year, will
despressing and is a real eye-opener for get your chance to do your bit ....
many of the soft, pampered, molly-
coddled Gonzaga pupils who hardly Brendan Connellan, Senior 6A
seem to realise that not everybody lives
in Foxrock and drives a SAAB. We'll
learn ....
Darndale is a very desolate place
though it must be said that the com- GONZAGA LOURDES
munity spirit there is much stronger PILGRIMAGE 1988
than in my own parish. They all try to
help each other and they all share each The third annual Gonzaga pilgrimage
other's joys and despairs. I was made to Lourdes took place this year from
feel totally at home, as was Conor the 7th-12th September. Fr John
Linehan, the other Gonzagite in the Dunne SJ, who had organised the trip,
area. accompanied us. We were a group of
Oddly, I found the Reverse-Plunge twelve students: Brendan Connellan,
more difficult in April. Two fellows David Cooke, John Cooney, Conor
from Darndale came to spend a Hillery, Vincent McMahon, Stephen
weekend in Foxrock with us - (John) O'Connor, Peter O'Keef~ Paul Slattery,
'Wardy' and 'Peryer', both 18 or 19. I, Tim Tuomey, Peter Clinch, Stephen
literally, spent the previous week, Fahy and Jim Gallagher. While ther~
scrubbing windows, cutting grass, we met about eight Gonzaga past-
weeding the driveway - they'd have pupils who had been on the school
laughed if they'd known what trouble pilgrimage in 1986 and '87. Their
all the host families were going to. return is a reflection on how enjoyable
Never, and this was the general and worthwhile they found their
consensus of all the families, have we earlier experience.

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