Page 39 - The Gonzaga Record 1989
P. 39
The ten experienced members of An So when Michael Bevan chose
Chomhdhail also did the Society "Hassan" by James Elroy Flecker for
proud. David Carthy, Cormac Deane the sixth year play he did so, I'm sure,
and Gavin O'Neill were runners-up in with mild trepidation. For those who
the Booterstown Community Council know it best would, I suspect, say that
Competition for Novice Speakers. its qualities lie more in the poetic
Aside from competitions, however, language rather than in its strength as
it has been an equally successful, if less a stage play. Having read it I had to
victorious year. An Chomhdhail team admire Mr Bevan's courage.
pulled big crowds while losing to Rehearsals began in earnest during
Mount Anville twice, Muckross Park the mid-term break and slowly (very
(twice also), and once to Loreto, Fox- slowly) the actors began to find their
rock, also Alexandra. These defeats feet. However, for the stage crew led by
were hard-earned and thoroughly en- Stephen Fahy, under the supervising
joyable. eye of set designer Mr Darragh
It remains for me to say that the O'Connell, it was full steam ahead.
future looks bright: Nicky Devlin has "Hassan" threw up many staging diffi-
been an impressive debutant, along culties but one by one they were dealt
with the Toner, and as An Chomhdhail with and the result was one of the
enters its 35th Session, I would like to finest sets ever to grace the Gonzaga
thank Mr Cusack and wish the in- stage.
coming committee the best of luck. Back with the actors, Mr Bevan
seemed to be making very little
David Bateman (S.5A) progress until his hair was saved from
going completely grey when suddenly
all clicked into place. Lines which had
been repeated ad nauseam gained
fresh meaning, characters at last had
SIXTH YEAR PLAY: presence on stage and the sight of a
HAS SAN joyfully hopping Mr Bevan was
happily restored.
The audience fell silent as Mr Michael As for the performances themselves
Bevan, Director and Producer extra- all were commendable while some
ordinaire confidently strode out on to were outstanding. As the ill-fated King
the stage to deliver his pre-perform- of the Beggars, Rory Egan gave an
ance speech. Like all great orators he excellent performance as did Patrick
held his listeners spellbound and it Flynn who radiated majestic power in
seemed that the stage was set for yet his role as the Caliph. From Muckross
another successful sixth year play Park, Rachel Graham and Ruth Short
under his direction. in their debut roles gave very creditable
Watching from the wings I reflected performances. Of my performance as
how the confidence radiating from Hassan the confectioner, an ugly,
him at this moment hadn't always been clumsy, seemingly stupid man, it was
so. On the contrary, the weary stumble remarked by many that it was as if the
of a rapidly-ageing Director towards part was written for me! Other note-
the staff room for yet another cup of worthy performances came from
coffee during rehearsals became for David Swift as Ishak, the court poet
me a depressingly common sight in the and Nick Webb as Seline, the treach-
days preceding the first night. erous friend of Hassan. Long to be
As anyone with experience of stage remembered will be the acrobatic
production will know, there is a very tussle between David Stritch and
thin line between success and failure. Naoise Barry; Hassan's serenade

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