Page 55 - The Gonzaga Record 1989
P. 55
the Mansion House we were welcomed M.S. Society who presented the Prep
by the former Lord Mayor, Carmencita School with a commemorative certifi-
Hederman. The hall of the Mansion cate "an outstanding contribution" to
House had the coats of arms of many the work of her society. The last word
former Lord Mayors. Then we were must be from the Prep 3 boy who
given a tour around many rooms. We remarked that he had 'hated reading
were grateful to the Lord Mayor for before but now I've read 7 books and
giving us much of her time and of I think I'll go on reading'. Do!
course the lovely lemonade and crisps.
In Dail Eireann we listened to the Maire O'Kelly
opening session but I confess I was as
wise at the beginning as I was at the
end. However, it was an experience.
The Millennium year was certainly a A POLITICAL PARABLE
memorable one for all. Before we
went on our Christmas vacation, Tell about a rich person who disguised
Preps 2 and 3 got together and sang herself as a poor person and then wen t
some of the Dublin songs. We ended to find out what people really thought
with one most suitable "St Laurence of her.
O'Toole" I daresay we shall not see One day Mrs Thatcher decided to
another Millennium year! disguise herself as a very poor old lady.
So she put on a wig and some old
David Mangan (P.3) clothes, and made her way out of 10
Downing Street. She thought she
would go to a few friends who lived
READATHON She was very anxious to see how
they would react to a stranger at their
Fostering a love of reading has always door. She knocked on the first door.
been a primary objective of teachers in Her friend Betty answered. Mrs
our Prep School. In that regard this Thatcher asked "Please can I have a
practitioner recalls with gratitude the drink of water?" but Betty said "No"
inspiring and painstaking guidance and closed the door. She received the
offered by Fr Joe Veale during her same reply as she went along from
early days in the College. house to house. She began to think
Our latest initiative took place in the how mean her friends really were.
autumn of 1988. It had the dual pur- Finally she decided to call on an old
pose of encouraging the boys to read friend, who lived in a very poor area of
while at the same time raising funds to the city. Her name was Clare. Mrs
aid research into the causes of multiple Thatcher knocked on the door, Clare
sclerosis. answered, Mrs Thatcher asked for
Close on 100 boys undertook to read some water. Clare got her some, Clare
as many books as possible over the let Mrs Thatcher in and pulled out a
course of four weeks; their parents and little sofa for her to rest on, then Clare
friends undertook to sponsor them. went and made some tea and buns.
The resulting generosity and co- While she was doing so Mrs Thatcher
operation produced a grand total of thought to herself saying "Clare really
400 books read and almost £1400 is a nice person".
raised for the Multiple Sclerosis Then in came Clare with the tea and
Society of Ireland. buns, that was when Mrs Thatcher
In April we had the pleasure of revealed her identity. Clare was
welcoming Mrs Mary Apied of the shocked. Mrs Thatcher knew that
by the former Lord Mayor, Carmencita School with a commemorative certifi-
Hederman. The hall of the Mansion cate "an outstanding contribution" to
House had the coats of arms of many the work of her society. The last word
former Lord Mayors. Then we were must be from the Prep 3 boy who
given a tour around many rooms. We remarked that he had 'hated reading
were grateful to the Lord Mayor for before but now I've read 7 books and
giving us much of her time and of I think I'll go on reading'. Do!
course the lovely lemonade and crisps.
In Dail Eireann we listened to the Maire O'Kelly
opening session but I confess I was as
wise at the beginning as I was at the
end. However, it was an experience.
The Millennium year was certainly a A POLITICAL PARABLE
memorable one for all. Before we
went on our Christmas vacation, Tell about a rich person who disguised
Preps 2 and 3 got together and sang herself as a poor person and then wen t
some of the Dublin songs. We ended to find out what people really thought
with one most suitable "St Laurence of her.
O'Toole" I daresay we shall not see One day Mrs Thatcher decided to
another Millennium year! disguise herself as a very poor old lady.
So she put on a wig and some old
David Mangan (P.3) clothes, and made her way out of 10
Downing Street. She thought she
would go to a few friends who lived
READATHON She was very anxious to see how
they would react to a stranger at their
Fostering a love of reading has always door. She knocked on the first door.
been a primary objective of teachers in Her friend Betty answered. Mrs
our Prep School. In that regard this Thatcher asked "Please can I have a
practitioner recalls with gratitude the drink of water?" but Betty said "No"
inspiring and painstaking guidance and closed the door. She received the
offered by Fr Joe Veale during her same reply as she went along from
early days in the College. house to house. She began to think
Our latest initiative took place in the how mean her friends really were.
autumn of 1988. It had the dual pur- Finally she decided to call on an old
pose of encouraging the boys to read friend, who lived in a very poor area of
while at the same time raising funds to the city. Her name was Clare. Mrs
aid research into the causes of multiple Thatcher knocked on the door, Clare
sclerosis. answered, Mrs Thatcher asked for
Close on 100 boys undertook to read some water. Clare got her some, Clare
as many books as possible over the let Mrs Thatcher in and pulled out a
course of four weeks; their parents and little sofa for her to rest on, then Clare
friends undertook to sponsor them. went and made some tea and buns.
The resulting generosity and co- While she was doing so Mrs Thatcher
operation produced a grand total of thought to herself saying "Clare really
400 books read and almost £1400 is a nice person".
raised for the Multiple Sclerosis Then in came Clare with the tea and
Society of Ireland. buns, that was when Mrs Thatcher
In April we had the pleasure of revealed her identity. Clare was
welcoming Mrs Mary Apied of the shocked. Mrs Thatcher knew that