Page 54 - The Gonzaga Record 1989
P. 54
SIDEBURN DAY, PREP 3 of leaflets, stickers, litter bags and
even free Smarties. There were
On the 23rd of May Prep 3 had a different things to try, jump on, pull
"Sideburn Day". This was following or look at. Judging by my little sisters'
the success of "Readathon". It was faces they obviously enjoyed it.
great fun. The whole class wore side- At the Royal Hospital Kilmainham
burns. It was intended that the money there were numerous events on. Some
would go to "Funday Sunday". of them were very good but there were
Billy Leahy told about one of his too many to list.
relations who had Cerebral Palsy and During the summer months a huge
needed to raise money to have an oper- cake was made and presented to the
ation in Hungary. So the Organizers city.
(Tommy Tormey and Andrew Butterly) Special excitement for regular events
decided to split the money. After some was aroused. The Saint Patrick's Day
more consideration it was decided that Parade was the greatest I ever saw
all the money should go to the Cere- with A.T.A. alarms' floats domin-
bral Palsy cause. So the £23.40 went to ating as always. There were even more
the boy with Cerebral Palsy. floats and bands from foreign coun-
tries than ever. The first of four
Tommy Tormey (Prep 3) Millennium road races took place on
Saint Patrick's Day. I took part in the
second race on a sunny day in June.
WHAT THE The Dublin City Marathon had one
MILLENNIUM YEAR of its biggest turnouts ever.
The fireworks display sponsored by
MEANT TO ME The National Lottery was beautiful.
Music combined with fireworks pro-
At the start of the Millennium there vided the setting for the biggest
was a ball to ring in the Millennium display ever performed in Ireland.
Year. The Lord Mayor Carmencita The Spring Show was not as good
Hederman was at the dance. as usual because of lack of money and
Dublin Corporation did the most investors.
for the Millennium. They greatly Kilmainham Jail was very inter-
improved the paving on Grafton esting and exciting. Each cell had a
Street: they replaced the lamps in the name on the door showing who had
Phoenix Park for the gas lamps now. stayed there. The tour went into
The Corporation started a contest for Robert Emmet's cell where he spent
floodlighting buildings which greatly the last month of his life before he was
improved the look of the bigger executed. We saw The Asgard in
buildings by night. The Corporation which rifles had been smuggled to
generally brightened the whole city for Howth. We saw where the Irish
1988 and many years to come. patriots had died. Finally we saw the
Of the exhibitions the Viking museum with many interesting items.
Adventure was one of the best. This In Prep 2 I went to an exhibition
was a trip back to Viking times. The with the class called Dublin 1000. It
characters were well chosen. I could was mainly about the early Vikings in
imagine someone I know for each Wood Quay. There were many bits of
character. broken pottery, swords, steel buckles
The Millennium Civic Exhibition and plenty of Viking coins. We saw a
was another big hit. It was an model of a Viking village.
exhibition about Dublin city civic That same year we went to Dail
services. Everything was free, stacks Eireann and the Mansion House. In
even free Smarties. There were
On the 23rd of May Prep 3 had a different things to try, jump on, pull
"Sideburn Day". This was following or look at. Judging by my little sisters'
the success of "Readathon". It was faces they obviously enjoyed it.
great fun. The whole class wore side- At the Royal Hospital Kilmainham
burns. It was intended that the money there were numerous events on. Some
would go to "Funday Sunday". of them were very good but there were
Billy Leahy told about one of his too many to list.
relations who had Cerebral Palsy and During the summer months a huge
needed to raise money to have an oper- cake was made and presented to the
ation in Hungary. So the Organizers city.
(Tommy Tormey and Andrew Butterly) Special excitement for regular events
decided to split the money. After some was aroused. The Saint Patrick's Day
more consideration it was decided that Parade was the greatest I ever saw
all the money should go to the Cere- with A.T.A. alarms' floats domin-
bral Palsy cause. So the £23.40 went to ating as always. There were even more
the boy with Cerebral Palsy. floats and bands from foreign coun-
tries than ever. The first of four
Tommy Tormey (Prep 3) Millennium road races took place on
Saint Patrick's Day. I took part in the
second race on a sunny day in June.
WHAT THE The Dublin City Marathon had one
MILLENNIUM YEAR of its biggest turnouts ever.
The fireworks display sponsored by
MEANT TO ME The National Lottery was beautiful.
Music combined with fireworks pro-
At the start of the Millennium there vided the setting for the biggest
was a ball to ring in the Millennium display ever performed in Ireland.
Year. The Lord Mayor Carmencita The Spring Show was not as good
Hederman was at the dance. as usual because of lack of money and
Dublin Corporation did the most investors.
for the Millennium. They greatly Kilmainham Jail was very inter-
improved the paving on Grafton esting and exciting. Each cell had a
Street: they replaced the lamps in the name on the door showing who had
Phoenix Park for the gas lamps now. stayed there. The tour went into
The Corporation started a contest for Robert Emmet's cell where he spent
floodlighting buildings which greatly the last month of his life before he was
improved the look of the bigger executed. We saw The Asgard in
buildings by night. The Corporation which rifles had been smuggled to
generally brightened the whole city for Howth. We saw where the Irish
1988 and many years to come. patriots had died. Finally we saw the
Of the exhibitions the Viking museum with many interesting items.
Adventure was one of the best. This In Prep 2 I went to an exhibition
was a trip back to Viking times. The with the class called Dublin 1000. It
characters were well chosen. I could was mainly about the early Vikings in
imagine someone I know for each Wood Quay. There were many bits of
character. broken pottery, swords, steel buckles
The Millennium Civic Exhibition and plenty of Viking coins. We saw a
was another big hit. It was an model of a Viking village.
exhibition about Dublin city civic That same year we went to Dail
services. Everything was free, stacks Eireann and the Mansion House. In