Page 53 - The Gonzaga Record 1989
P. 53

The degree and variety of learning outside of the classroom, is frequently
accorded neither the credit nor the status it deserves . The success of many
extra-classroom learning experiences is attributable to careful planning
and preparation within the classroom itself by teacher and pupils.
This year's Record gives expression to the respective voices of all the
school partners; children, teachers and parents. The selected and largely
unedited pieces chosen give a random and haphazard picture of the
frequently random and haphazard experience of school life. Read closely,
the articles convey a sense of the "busy-ness", purpose and pleasures of
schooling, as well as the diverse interests and talents of pupils, fired by
the committed enthusiasm of their teachers. They convey a morality
which underlies what we do and which makes the task of educating
children so enriching and worthwhile. We hope that you enjoy them.

Daniel McNelis
Prefect of Studies

CASTLES AND ROUND we were fit to burst. We went to the
TOWERS new interpretative centre where an
excellent museum has been made. It
exhibits articles found in the area of
At last the day had arrived. We were the old monastic city. There is a very
going on our tour, Dublin Castle and well made model of the city in the
Glendalough. The coach arrived and museum. In the centre they also show
we set off. The Castle looks like a real a very good video about Glendalough
mess with one part from an earlier and other early monastic sites in
century than the other. The outside Ireland. After seeing the video we we re
may be a mess but the inside is given the opportunity to buy things in
beautiful. There are many hand-made the shop. After that we were brought
carpets and tapestries. There are many on a guided walk around the ruins
chandeliers there as well. When we got including the round towe r and St
there we saw the window where Red Kevin's kitchen. We then went down to
Hugh O'Donnell is reputed to have the lake to see all the geog raphical
escaped from. We also saw the room in features of the area. Then we went into
which the President is inaugurated. In a large field and organised a game of
another room we saw pillars covered soccer. Mrs Crosbie made a spectacle
again as the room is being refurbished. of herself by dancing with and kissing
In another part of the building is a a member of the class whose name I
large throne which the king or queen will not mention as I do not want to
of England would use when visiting embarrass him. We returned home
Ireland. After all this we returned to with a peaceful and uneventful
the coach and set off for Glendalough. journey.
When we got there we ate our lunch
or in some cases stuffed ourselves until David Murphy (Prep 3)

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