Page 37 - The Gonzaga Record 1989
P. 37
School Reports
THE SIXTH YEAR the sixth-year retreat was seen as an
RETREAT opportunity to enlighten our under-
standing of ourselves, or simply to
create unity among the members of the
"It's perfectly safe, don't worry", Karl year, we all agreed that it was an
assured us as he leapt manfully for- experience worth having, and possibly
ward into the nervously waiting arms repeating in the future.
of the sixth-years. To an outsider this
must have seemed a particularly Patrick Flynn (S.6A)
unusual thing to do, yet to the sixth
years on retreat the trust tests became
a key to unlocking a wealth of
self-know ledge.
The function of these games ful- AN CHOMHDHAIL 19 88-89
filled, a having nurtured a free and
relaxed environment for discussion, In any organisation, one must some-
Karl and Margaret, our "guides" led times make changes. This year, An
us into the area of communication, Chomhdhail voted to create two new
and we discovered how important offices - Literary Critic and Poet
trust, patience and good listening were Laureate - and chose Martin Bradley
for a meaningful dialogue to occur. As and Edward Farrelly to occupy them.
we spoke together in pairs, and then in Throughout the year they have
a group, we learned much about our performed admirably, the Critic's
classmates, and began to understand western wit perfect ly balancing the
many with whom we previously had Poet's oriental masterpieces.
no rapport. Needless to say, the Auditor, Simon
With the second day came our first Carty, also entertained, while
opportunity to delve into that area demonstrating his leadership without
which was quickly rejected by some as throwing his weight around.
"religion". Despite the foreboding title, It has been a successful year for An
however, the whole area of our faith Chomhdhail - especially since four
was approached from a personal point speakers (Eugene Downes, Marcus
of view, and even those who had Dowling, Brian Kennedy, and David
earlier expressed much scepticism Bateman) reached the semi-finals at
about the validity of a sixth-year the Leinster (Bank of Ireland) Choice
retreat were pleasantly surprised. We Debate Competition, and Eugene and
were rather led to a greater under- Marcus won Leinster, though they lost
standing of our faith, and the the All-Ireland final. Having proved
importance of having some sort of that Censorship is for the Common
direction to our lives, be it an external Good, that Might is Right, that the
structure or a purely personal Majority have the Right to do Wrong,
motivation. and that the Ten Commandments
As day two drew to a close, we should not be Repealed, they stumbled
celebrated Mass together, and all were finally on the motion That This House
heard to join in the refrain of would Publish and be Damned! We
Kumbaya, as the group grew together look forward to seeing their trophy in
in unity and understanding. Whether the school cabinet.
THE SIXTH YEAR the sixth-year retreat was seen as an
RETREAT opportunity to enlighten our under-
standing of ourselves, or simply to
create unity among the members of the
"It's perfectly safe, don't worry", Karl year, we all agreed that it was an
assured us as he leapt manfully for- experience worth having, and possibly
ward into the nervously waiting arms repeating in the future.
of the sixth-years. To an outsider this
must have seemed a particularly Patrick Flynn (S.6A)
unusual thing to do, yet to the sixth
years on retreat the trust tests became
a key to unlocking a wealth of
self-know ledge.
The function of these games ful- AN CHOMHDHAIL 19 88-89
filled, a having nurtured a free and
relaxed environment for discussion, In any organisation, one must some-
Karl and Margaret, our "guides" led times make changes. This year, An
us into the area of communication, Chomhdhail voted to create two new
and we discovered how important offices - Literary Critic and Poet
trust, patience and good listening were Laureate - and chose Martin Bradley
for a meaningful dialogue to occur. As and Edward Farrelly to occupy them.
we spoke together in pairs, and then in Throughout the year they have
a group, we learned much about our performed admirably, the Critic's
classmates, and began to understand western wit perfect ly balancing the
many with whom we previously had Poet's oriental masterpieces.
no rapport. Needless to say, the Auditor, Simon
With the second day came our first Carty, also entertained, while
opportunity to delve into that area demonstrating his leadership without
which was quickly rejected by some as throwing his weight around.
"religion". Despite the foreboding title, It has been a successful year for An
however, the whole area of our faith Chomhdhail - especially since four
was approached from a personal point speakers (Eugene Downes, Marcus
of view, and even those who had Dowling, Brian Kennedy, and David
earlier expressed much scepticism Bateman) reached the semi-finals at
about the validity of a sixth-year the Leinster (Bank of Ireland) Choice
retreat were pleasantly surprised. We Debate Competition, and Eugene and
were rather led to a greater under- Marcus won Leinster, though they lost
standing of our faith, and the the All-Ireland final. Having proved
importance of having some sort of that Censorship is for the Common
direction to our lives, be it an external Good, that Might is Right, that the
structure or a purely personal Majority have the Right to do Wrong,
motivation. and that the Ten Commandments
As day two drew to a close, we should not be Repealed, they stumbled
celebrated Mass together, and all were finally on the motion That This House
heard to join in the refrain of would Publish and be Damned! We
Kumbaya, as the group grew together look forward to seeing their trophy in
in unity and understanding. Whether the school cabinet.