Page 56 - The Gonzaga Record 1989
P. 56
Clare lived alone, so she offered her an 'WRITE A BOOK'
apartment at 10 Downing Street. And PROJECT
they lived happily ever after.
Reading books is one thing; writing
Mark Gough (Prep 2)
books is a different matter entirely.
Two years ago the Blackrock
Teachers' Centre initiated a 'Write a

PREP 2 BOYS RAISE £80 Book' Project. It proved an immediate
FOR BANGLADESH success with schools from all areas of
Dublin participating.
This year Prep 1 decided to exercise
In September 1988 all the boys in Prep their creative talents and join in the
2 enthusiastically set about raising fun. They participated with enthus-
money for Bangladesh. Pocket money iasm and application during the
and tuck money were sacrificed by the Spring term, leaving their teacher
boys and various other schemes were breathless.
undertaken. Conor Deasy, Simon Ideas were threshed out in class,
Matthews, and Conor Murphy raised some directions were given as to
money by opening a shop in Foxrock structure and layout, and the boys set
selling old books and comics. Simon to work with gusto.
Matthews and Conor Murphy also As usual parents co-operated mag-
held a sponsored run, while Alex nificently, checking spelling, helping
Brennan and Colm Campbell raised with proof reading; typing and even
further money by holding a sponsored word-processing. Much was learned
cycle in Dundrum. Everyone worked about the progress of a book from
hard and had great fun helping a blank page to copy-righted final
worthy cause. product, the covers and illustrations
taking up several art classes.
Conor Deasy (Prep 2) Serious, reflective, amusing and
Simon Matthews (Prep 2) entertaining books were eventually
submitted for exhibition at the
Blackrock Teachers' Centre. Great was
our pleasure at seeing our own
"C'MON EVERYBODY" creations beautifully displayed.
Even greater was our pleasure when
Friday, April 21st, was "people in need Alan Horkan's "A Nightmare Come
day" sponsored by Telethon and the True" was selected as being of out-
Bank of Ireland. The theme was standing merit. With some twenty
"C'mon Everybody". Prep 2 had a sale other Dublin children he was presented
during morning break which made with a rosette at a ceremony in the
£100. Cakes, sweets, annuals, books Teachers' Centre. Well done, Alan!
and comics were sold. While all this Some 800 children from 35 schools
was going on, boys took it in turn to in all produced their very own books,
carry the boot around collecting evidencing a wealth of literary talent in
money. Outside school hours some of our primary schools. Our thanks are
the boys did sponsored cycles, fasts, due to the staff of the Blackrock
swims, silences and washing-ups. Centre who, in addition to co-
Altogether, we raised a total of £328. ordinating all aspects of the project,
We were delighted to help such a presented an individual certificate to
worthy cause. each young author.

Robert Kennedy (Prep 2) Maire O'Kelly

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