Page 37 - The Gonzaga Record 1988
P. 37
THE SOCIETY OF other things, to form a past-pupils'
ST VINCENT DE PAUL conference. To put an end to a most
successful year, nine members of the
The year began with forty-five eager conference spent a week in Sunshine
members from Fourth and Fifth years House this summer - no doubt due to
relaxing in the day-room of the Royal the enthusiasm of our president who
Hospital in Donnybrook. We listened spent two weeks there last year.
intently to a resume of last year's and Finally on behalf of all the members
an introduction to this year's activities. of the V de P conference in Gonzaga
In a matter of weeks the Christmas I would like to thank our chaplain, Fr
spirit had enveloped the conference. John Moylan SJ whose guidance and
After some quite frantic discussion, enthusiasm encouraged all of us.
the three dates for carol-singing were
decided: 5, 12 and 19 December. With Ronan Keogan (S.4A)
musical accompaniment from Patrick (vice-president)
Flynn and Hugh Kelly, our trusty
carol-singers succeeded m raising
The annual Christmas party was AN CHOMHDHAIL 1987-8
held at the hospital on 22 December.
About thirty-five members sang their An independent indicator of the
way around the wards with Simon intellectual state of Gonzaga's 'creme
Carty, the very epitome of Santa de la creme' is annually provided by
Claus, showering gifts on the patients. the standard of An Chomhdhail's de-
The new year brought in a new com- bates. For their espousal of the English
mittee: Stephen Higgins (president), language, and for their commitment to
Ronan Keogan (vice-president), Eoin its defence, these men are to be
Corrigan (secretary), and John praised. Most notable were: Turlough
Twomey (treasurer). Bolger's lyrically inspirational poetry
The novel idea of last year's com- and Patrick Flynn for his endearing
mittee of presenting an Easter egg to and captivating style which convinced
each of the patients was repeated this the adjudicators on many an occasion.
year with the formation of the E.E.C. Michael Connerty contributed greatly
(Easter Egg Committee). One hundred to the 1987-88 session with his
and twenty-six Easter eggs were traditional oratory; wielding the sword
bought and delivered for our 12 April of understatement with the agility and
meeting (two weeks too late, our might of a Samurai.
president still claims!). Thanks to the Although the above excelled in their
zeal of all present, the whole affair was delivery, others concentrated more on
very successful. (This has nothing to the use of original argument that was
do with the fact that the vice-president both logical and satisfying. Simon
received a left-over Easter egg as a Carty, for instance, outweighed many
present.) speeches by examining a topic more
Other notable events throughout the profoundly, or by laterally out-
year included a V de P youth con- manoeuvring an opposition case.
ference in Trinity College on 6 Marcus Dowling and Eugene Downes
February which was attended by the stand out as the most promising
vice-president and treasurer. Our speakers from the school at present.
meetings were greatly boosted by two Marcus' eloquence and Eugene's
visits early in the year from Gerry cleverly-constructed discourse cer-
Martin, a senior figure in the V de P tainly surprised An Chomhdhail as a
organisation, who advised us, among whole.
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