Page 38 - The Gonzaga Record 1988
P. 38
Back: S. Higgins, B. Doherty, M. Dowling, D. Bateman.
Front: K. Morris (Auditor), Mr. D. Cusack (President), 0 . Smyth (Secretary).
With these resources, Gonzaga COMMUNITY SUPPORT
comfortably won all her home debates, GROUP
defeating Alexandra College, Mount In October 1987 a very large number
Anville and The Holy Child school, of staff met to express their support
Killiney. Our losses at the hands of for the scheme, in this, its second year.
Muckross Park (twice), Loreto on the The enthusiasm, diversity of talent and
Green and at an interschool match flexibility of these members of staff
(where Patrick Flynn and Simon Carty facilitated the expansion and develop-
must have come within a hairsbreadth ment of the activities engaged in
of winning) were well compensated for during the previous year. The response
by Marcus Dowling's magnificent per- of the 5th Year students to the appeal
fo rmance at another interschool event for their participation was whole-
in Mount Anville, where he single- hearted and very encouraging. The
handedly carried off a victory for the first action began on 12 November and
school. continued until Easter with one large
Under the guidance of Mr Cusack, sub-group, in fact, working right
and wi th the future promise of third through to the end of May. A very
and fo urth year yet to come, An high level of commitment was sus-
Chomhdhaillooks set for another fine tained throughout the year and the
and enjoyable sess ion. following are some reports on the
individual activities engaged in.
O=-ian myth (S.5)
Mr. D. Keenahan
Back: S. Higgins, B. Doherty, M. Dowling, D. Bateman.
Front: K. Morris (Auditor), Mr. D. Cusack (President), 0 . Smyth (Secretary).
With these resources, Gonzaga COMMUNITY SUPPORT
comfortably won all her home debates, GROUP
defeating Alexandra College, Mount In October 1987 a very large number
Anville and The Holy Child school, of staff met to express their support
Killiney. Our losses at the hands of for the scheme, in this, its second year.
Muckross Park (twice), Loreto on the The enthusiasm, diversity of talent and
Green and at an interschool match flexibility of these members of staff
(where Patrick Flynn and Simon Carty facilitated the expansion and develop-
must have come within a hairsbreadth ment of the activities engaged in
of winning) were well compensated for during the previous year. The response
by Marcus Dowling's magnificent per- of the 5th Year students to the appeal
fo rmance at another interschool event for their participation was whole-
in Mount Anville, where he single- hearted and very encouraging. The
handedly carried off a victory for the first action began on 12 November and
school. continued until Easter with one large
Under the guidance of Mr Cusack, sub-group, in fact, working right
and wi th the future promise of third through to the end of May. A very
and fo urth year yet to come, An high level of commitment was sus-
Chomhdhaillooks set for another fine tained throughout the year and the
and enjoyable sess ion. following are some reports on the
individual activities engaged in.
O=-ian myth (S.5)
Mr. D. Keenahan