Page 39 - The Gonzaga Record 1988
P. 39
Home Improvement for the The early sessions were difficult
Elderly because it took some time for trust to
build up between ourselves and the
Work was done on seven houses, travellers. Soon a pattern was estab-
varying from one room to 'all the lished whereby the boys played soccer
ground floor' and ranging from three and the girls played basketball.
to six visits per house. The people Coaching, refereeing and organising
referred to us by the Friends of the were three difficult aspects of each
Elderly Society lived in very half-hour session. Although progress
unpleasant conditions and in some was very gradual the sessions were
cases, appalling ones. usually enjoyable and it was a very
Berger Paints Ltd, once again, made worthwhile experience for us. The final
a generous donation of paint and the session, just after Easter, was a great
remaining materials and tools were, for climax to the year, when we staged a
the most part, supplied by the many 'Sports Day' for them. Medals were
teachers who took turns in assisting us awarded for events which varied from
in the work. Without their support 400m races to 3-legged races. The tug-
and knowledge the scheme could not of-war was a highlight of a day they
have succeeded. Particularly we wish clearly enjoyed greatly and will be a
to acknowledge the contribution of happy memory for all involved.
Mr Cusack who has been the back-
bone of the scheme since its inception. Trevor Browne (S.5)
This scheme was doubly satisfying Tim Tuomey (S.SA)
in that one gained a working knowl-
edge of wallpapering, painting and
c~rpentry while enhancing the homes
of needy people. It was great to look
back at a weekend and feel that one
had spent part of it doing something
worthwhile for other people. Toy Distribution at Christmas
Throughout the scheme we came
into contact with some of the many Last year's fourth option (the only one
people who live in squalid houses, not repeated from year to year) was a
having few, if any, friends or comforts Survey of Attitudes to Unemployment.
and very little money. It was great to This was successfully completed and
see their faces smiling in appreciation published. A new activity was needed
of the jobs we did. this year and so it was decided to make
a collection of toys during the first
Jim Gallagher (S.5) term. The response was initially di s-
Manchan Magan (S.SA) appointing but through the persistence
Rory Egan (S.5) of the collectors, under the direction
of Mr McCarthy, a fine collection was
achieved by mid-December. These were
cleaned and in some cases repaired and
Sport for the Travellers having classified them under the
headings of age and sex they were gift-
The first task was to revamp the wrapped.
outdoor basketball court. The court On the last Sunday before Christma
markings were repainted and new they were handed over to the St
baskets and backboards erected. The Vincent de Paul Society, who di stri-
groundsman, Benny Lynam, gave us buted them to young families ex peri-
valuable assistance in this latter task. encing hardship.
Elderly because it took some time for trust to
build up between ourselves and the
Work was done on seven houses, travellers. Soon a pattern was estab-
varying from one room to 'all the lished whereby the boys played soccer
ground floor' and ranging from three and the girls played basketball.
to six visits per house. The people Coaching, refereeing and organising
referred to us by the Friends of the were three difficult aspects of each
Elderly Society lived in very half-hour session. Although progress
unpleasant conditions and in some was very gradual the sessions were
cases, appalling ones. usually enjoyable and it was a very
Berger Paints Ltd, once again, made worthwhile experience for us. The final
a generous donation of paint and the session, just after Easter, was a great
remaining materials and tools were, for climax to the year, when we staged a
the most part, supplied by the many 'Sports Day' for them. Medals were
teachers who took turns in assisting us awarded for events which varied from
in the work. Without their support 400m races to 3-legged races. The tug-
and knowledge the scheme could not of-war was a highlight of a day they
have succeeded. Particularly we wish clearly enjoyed greatly and will be a
to acknowledge the contribution of happy memory for all involved.
Mr Cusack who has been the back-
bone of the scheme since its inception. Trevor Browne (S.5)
This scheme was doubly satisfying Tim Tuomey (S.SA)
in that one gained a working knowl-
edge of wallpapering, painting and
c~rpentry while enhancing the homes
of needy people. It was great to look
back at a weekend and feel that one
had spent part of it doing something
worthwhile for other people. Toy Distribution at Christmas
Throughout the scheme we came
into contact with some of the many Last year's fourth option (the only one
people who live in squalid houses, not repeated from year to year) was a
having few, if any, friends or comforts Survey of Attitudes to Unemployment.
and very little money. It was great to This was successfully completed and
see their faces smiling in appreciation published. A new activity was needed
of the jobs we did. this year and so it was decided to make
a collection of toys during the first
Jim Gallagher (S.5) term. The response was initially di s-
Manchan Magan (S.SA) appointing but through the persistence
Rory Egan (S.5) of the collectors, under the direction
of Mr McCarthy, a fine collection was
achieved by mid-December. These were
cleaned and in some cases repaired and
Sport for the Travellers having classified them under the
headings of age and sex they were gift-
The first task was to revamp the wrapped.
outdoor basketball court. The court On the last Sunday before Christma
markings were repainted and new they were handed over to the St
baskets and backboards erected. The Vincent de Paul Society, who di stri-
groundsman, Benny Lynam, gave us buted them to young families ex peri-
valuable assistance in this latter task. encing hardship.