Page 32 - The Gonzaga Record 1988
P. 32
School Reports
GONZAGA TRIP but this quickly melted away when we
TO LOURDES heard that mo t of the students from
Gonzaga \\ ho ''ent the previous year
The second trip to Lourdes involving were returning ro Lourdes again, now
Gonzaga students took place from 7 to of course as pa t pupils.
12 September. It was organised by Fr The routine of the ne\t fi,·e days was
Peter Sexton SJ. Fr John Dun ne SJ, a complete departure from our usual
who had only recently joined the slovenly ''ays. e\cepting Fr Dunne, for
community, accompanied the group of ''horn the 6 am rise ''a a luxury. The
five students; Michael Doran and \\Ork ''a' indeed long and hard. A
Ciaran Twomey from S.6 and David detailed de criprion of the routine is
Kennedy, Jonathan Newman and iall gi\en b~ Paul Keelan in the 1987
O'Doherty from S.6A. The Gonzaga Record.
Past Pupils' Union very kindly partly Lourde is split up into two quite
subsidised the cost of the trip. di _tinct part . the Grotto area and the
Our task was to act as helpers. or to\\ n it,elf. The Grotto area covers a
brancardiers, for the invalids '' ith the large e\pan e. containing t\\'O above
Dublin Diocesan Pilgrimage to ground ba ilicae and one immense
Lourdes. \\'e ''ere all at firt a little underground basilica. This latter
apprehensive, as ''a to be e\pected, basilica is underneath the long drive
Back: J. Newman, D. Kennedy, N. O'Doherty.
Front: M. Doran, Fr J. Dunne, s.J., C. Twomey.
GONZAGA TRIP but this quickly melted away when we
TO LOURDES heard that mo t of the students from
Gonzaga \\ ho ''ent the previous year
The second trip to Lourdes involving were returning ro Lourdes again, now
Gonzaga students took place from 7 to of course as pa t pupils.
12 September. It was organised by Fr The routine of the ne\t fi,·e days was
Peter Sexton SJ. Fr John Dun ne SJ, a complete departure from our usual
who had only recently joined the slovenly ''ays. e\cepting Fr Dunne, for
community, accompanied the group of ''horn the 6 am rise ''a a luxury. The
five students; Michael Doran and \\Ork ''a' indeed long and hard. A
Ciaran Twomey from S.6 and David detailed de criprion of the routine is
Kennedy, Jonathan Newman and iall gi\en b~ Paul Keelan in the 1987
O'Doherty from S.6A. The Gonzaga Record.
Past Pupils' Union very kindly partly Lourde is split up into two quite
subsidised the cost of the trip. di _tinct part . the Grotto area and the
Our task was to act as helpers. or to\\ n it,elf. The Grotto area covers a
brancardiers, for the invalids '' ith the large e\pan e. containing t\\'O above
Dublin Diocesan Pilgrimage to ground ba ilicae and one immense
Lourdes. \\'e ''ere all at firt a little underground basilica. This latter
apprehensive, as ''a to be e\pected, basilica is underneath the long drive
Back: J. Newman, D. Kennedy, N. O'Doherty.
Front: M. Doran, Fr J. Dunne, s.J., C. Twomey.