Page 36 - The Gonzaga Record 1988
P. 36
Their support and encouragement Following this, we watched a video
shortened our road considerably and called 'Paki' which showed us that
without them the entire project would God is very human and is always pre-
have been impossible. Special thanks sent in our day-to-day lives. We then
also to Mrs Evans, Gonzaga's per- had a group discussion about what
petual motion machine, and also to Fr God meant to us and which images we
Brennan, our mentor. On behalf of associated with him. This was followed
fifth year I bestow upon them all by a short break for refreshments after
Honorary Membership of that most which Jim unfortunately had to leave
exclusive of clubs: The Elephanteers! us.
Project Committee: S. O'Connor, S. Fr Brennan then conducted a recon-
Higgins, S. Carty, G. Love, J. Morgan, ciliation service for us, based on the
A. Kelly, J. Cooney, 0. Smyth, Martin Gospel story of the women at the well.
Dunn. He heard confessions for some time
and finally led a symbolic burning of
Stephen Higgins our sins. Next, we watched a rather
strange video called 'Neighbours'
which emphasised how disputes can
arise over very trivial matters-in this
case a flower. We broke up into our
various groups and discussed disputes
THE 4TH YEAR in general.
ALL-NIGHT RETREAT It was about 4 am when we stopped
for our Agape meal, following in the

At about 11.30 pm on Friday 11 footsteps of the early Christians. This
March, a group consisting of about 20 was followed by a two-part video
members of S.4A, along with a couple called 'Timmy and Vicky' on the sub-
of refugees from S.4 arrived at Gon- ject of adolescent relationships. It got
zaga House to take part in the second a bad reception in the various dis-
4th Year All-Night Retreat of the cussion groups as most of us felt that
school year. There was some trepida- it was applicable to a younger age-
tion amongst us, especially consider- group.
ing the varied reviews which the We were quite tired as we made our
Retreat had received from S.4, and way to the gym for a basketball
most had come more out of curiosity tournament which woke us up con-
than any great religious motive. We siderably, although many were more
were met by Mr Regan, 4th Year's ever- interested in practising some music for
smiling religion ยท teacher, Deacon Jim the Eucharist with Mr 6 Briain who
Culliton, SJ, the 3rd and 4th Year had just arrived. The Eucharist,
Chaplain, and Paul, Austin and celebrated in the school chapel by Fr
Lorraine, three friends of Mr Regan, Brennan, ended at about half-past
who had kindly offered to conduct the eight, after which we went home with
Retreat. mixed reactions. Some had found it
After a small introduction we were boring, while others felt it had been
split into three disc ussion groups and interesting and worthwhile.
in these groups, began trying to get to We would all like to thank Fr
know ourselves and each other better. Brennan, Mr 6 Briain, Jim Culliton,
About twenty minutes later, we went to Paul, Austin, Lorraine and especially
the chapel in the Priests' House and Mr Regan who organised the Retreat.
had a short meditation service led by
Austin which was generally found to Brian Kennedy (S.4A)
be relaxin g.

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