Page 64 - The Gonzaga Record 1987
P. 64
Barracks. Then we started our climb. lasted 10.5 hrs. and was 13.5 miles
But soon we were to run into some long.
trouble with a local farmer who An enthusiastic congregation
objected to our passing through his listened to Fr Moylan's Mass and
land. After some anxious moments dinner was eaten. By the time the
and abject apologies, we were able to chores were done, it was prettywell
continue. From there on the climbing bedtime, so we yet again avoided our
got harder, but we eventually sheltered "Party Pieces". Mr O'Briain left us at
from the wind amongst the piles of that stage, leaving two dormitories
stones on the summit of Kaedeen. We unsupervised. But due to excessive,
came down on the other side of the strenuous and exhaustive trudging,
forest on Kaedeen towards Michael supervision was not needed. Bed at 12
Dwyer's cottage. When we reached the o'clock (for all!).
cottage, we were lucky enough to have The final day (Wednesday), was
Dwyer's relation with us who told us spent cleaning and leaving. Mr Carney
all about the cottage. We had covered helped again with baggage and the bus
about 8.5 miles on our walk. Mass was arrived only ten minutes late. It was an
said and dinner cooked, and after our uneventful journey home.
chores, Thorney Sweetman, a U CC On behalf of all those who went, I
Geology teacher, also staying at the would like to finish off by thanking a
hostel, told us of his Himalayan few people; Mr Carney, Mr Butterly,
climbing experiences. So we all Mr O'Briain, Mr Thorney Sweetman,
managed to avoid the planned "enter- the wardens of Ballinclea Youth Hostel
tainment". Bed at 12 o'clock (for and of course Fr Moylan.
The next morning saw Mr Butterly Gavan Doherty (S.2A)
leaving after breakfast on the arrival
of Mr O'Briain. The warden, Anne
Carpenter volunteered to guide for our DRAMA ON THE HILL OF
climb of Lugnaquilla. We got a lift TARA
from a kindly local farmer to
Ballinfoyle. Our route to the summit This year Prep 2 had the idea that a
was Ballinfoyle-Ballinedan-Siievemaan- play enacting the hi storic lighting of
Lugnaquilla. As we came out of the the Paschal fire on the Hill of Slane
mist, we found that there was no wind and the Druid Festival on Tara, would
on top, making it very hot. So with the give more meaning to the Boyne Valley
clouds at our feet and the sun at our Tour.
heads, we all got sunburnt. We could We did not have much trouble with
have "fried an egg on the rocks there", stage props. What a fitting place is the
so that's the spot that we chose to have Royal Enclosure, the fort of King
lunch. Laoghaire. However, we did have to
Afterwards, our planned route was bring the Hill of Slane to Tara! Shane
to avoid the North Prison (a large Rourke and David Hyland showed
chasm) and to double back to Cannow their theatrical genius in providing the
Mountain and then to go across to the necessary for the Slane scene in the
Table Track. The mist was confusing early morning fog of Tara, the voices
and we were slightly off course, but of Prep 2 echoed across the Forts in
after about four hours of trudging, the presence of our teacher Mrs
most people managed to reach Table Crosbie, the parents who came to help,
Track in one piece. After cutting Mrs lsobel Murphy, Mrs Anne Kinsella,
through Stranahely Woods, we arrived, Mrs Renee Lynch and Roddy O'Keeffe's
exhausted at the hostel. Our walk had sister Rachel. We were all delighted to
But soon we were to run into some long.
trouble with a local farmer who An enthusiastic congregation
objected to our passing through his listened to Fr Moylan's Mass and
land. After some anxious moments dinner was eaten. By the time the
and abject apologies, we were able to chores were done, it was prettywell
continue. From there on the climbing bedtime, so we yet again avoided our
got harder, but we eventually sheltered "Party Pieces". Mr O'Briain left us at
from the wind amongst the piles of that stage, leaving two dormitories
stones on the summit of Kaedeen. We unsupervised. But due to excessive,
came down on the other side of the strenuous and exhaustive trudging,
forest on Kaedeen towards Michael supervision was not needed. Bed at 12
Dwyer's cottage. When we reached the o'clock (for all!).
cottage, we were lucky enough to have The final day (Wednesday), was
Dwyer's relation with us who told us spent cleaning and leaving. Mr Carney
all about the cottage. We had covered helped again with baggage and the bus
about 8.5 miles on our walk. Mass was arrived only ten minutes late. It was an
said and dinner cooked, and after our uneventful journey home.
chores, Thorney Sweetman, a U CC On behalf of all those who went, I
Geology teacher, also staying at the would like to finish off by thanking a
hostel, told us of his Himalayan few people; Mr Carney, Mr Butterly,
climbing experiences. So we all Mr O'Briain, Mr Thorney Sweetman,
managed to avoid the planned "enter- the wardens of Ballinclea Youth Hostel
tainment". Bed at 12 o'clock (for and of course Fr Moylan.
The next morning saw Mr Butterly Gavan Doherty (S.2A)
leaving after breakfast on the arrival
of Mr O'Briain. The warden, Anne
Carpenter volunteered to guide for our DRAMA ON THE HILL OF
climb of Lugnaquilla. We got a lift TARA
from a kindly local farmer to
Ballinfoyle. Our route to the summit This year Prep 2 had the idea that a
was Ballinfoyle-Ballinedan-Siievemaan- play enacting the hi storic lighting of
Lugnaquilla. As we came out of the the Paschal fire on the Hill of Slane
mist, we found that there was no wind and the Druid Festival on Tara, would
on top, making it very hot. So with the give more meaning to the Boyne Valley
clouds at our feet and the sun at our Tour.
heads, we all got sunburnt. We could We did not have much trouble with
have "fried an egg on the rocks there", stage props. What a fitting place is the
so that's the spot that we chose to have Royal Enclosure, the fort of King
lunch. Laoghaire. However, we did have to
Afterwards, our planned route was bring the Hill of Slane to Tara! Shane
to avoid the North Prison (a large Rourke and David Hyland showed
chasm) and to double back to Cannow their theatrical genius in providing the
Mountain and then to go across to the necessary for the Slane scene in the
Table Track. The mist was confusing early morning fog of Tara, the voices
and we were slightly off course, but of Prep 2 echoed across the Forts in
after about four hours of trudging, the presence of our teacher Mrs
most people managed to reach Table Crosbie, the parents who came to help,
Track in one piece. After cutting Mrs lsobel Murphy, Mrs Anne Kinsella,
through Stranahely Woods, we arrived, Mrs Renee Lynch and Roddy O'Keeffe's
exhausted at the hostel. Our walk had sister Rachel. We were all delighted to