Page 63 - The Gonzaga Record 1987
P. 63
HISTORY QUIZ VICTORY were not encouraged, due to lack of
space. It never really dawned on us
The History Teachers' Association of that we might actually win the com-
Ireland (Dublin Branch) held an inter- petition until the interlude between
schools quiz at 7.30 pm. on 6 February rounds five and six. Following this we
at C.U.S. Leeson Street. It was a bit of remained in the lead until finally we
an experiment, having evolved from were declared the victors, amid liberal
the Mastermind style quizzes held in cheers. It was an evening of intense
the past. A team of four students, excitement, and committed team-
representing a school in or around work. While we all contributed as we
Dublin, comprising Sixth or Fifth could, in all honesty the ready wit of
Years, and each paying an admission Barry Doherty was a decided advan-
fee of 50 pence, was eligible to enter tage.
the quiz, wherein they would be posed Having attained fifty-four correct
questions taken from Leaving Certifi- answers out of a possible sixty, we
cate courses, covering ancient and each received a cash prize of £10, and
modern history. Gonzaga's particip- a book-token of £20 for the school.
ation in the contest was due to the The success of the whole quiz was
encouragement of the History/French owed considerably to the dedicated
teacher Ms Nevin. The team consisted work of Sheila Gogarty.
of four members: lain Donevan, (S6); It was, as Fr Lee expressed it "a win
Barry Doherty (S5); Brendan Donlan for Gonzaga off the field" and who
(S5a); and John Healy (S5). knows, may pave the way for many
The quiz was held in the recreation more like it.
hall of C.U.S. in which there were over
40 tables, each bearing a number John Healy (S.5)
ascribed to a particular team. Gonzaga
was number 14.
There were ten rounds of questions, EASTER HOSTELLING
each round pertaining to a specific 13-15 APRIL
topic and comprising of six questions.
Members of each team could confer in This year's hostelling group of Fr
answering the questions. Possible Moylan's was probably one of the
answers were discussed and then a luckiest. Fr Moylan managed to get
final answer was written on the special the use of one of the ladies' dormi-
sheet which was collected after each tories and so, all who put their name
round. The results were calculated, down were able to come. The weather
announced, and plotted on a large was good and rain-gear was surpris-
black-board. The questions varied in ingly unnecessary. We also managed to
difficulty, from the obvious to the climb, for the first time, Lugnaquilla.
utterly ambiguous, and each followed On the Monday morning, the group
swiftly after each other, allowing just met on Crampton Quay to catch the 65
time to reason it out and write down bus to Donard. At Donard, Mr Carney
the answer. For the first few rounds brought a lot of baggage to the hostel
Table 5 led decisively, and then sur- in his car, saving us a lot of time,
prisingly collapsed. There was great effort, etc. We were let in before
speculation as to who they were. opening time by the wardens, Anne &
In addition to the presence of Ms Billy Carpenter.
Nevin, we had two fans, (both of Mr Butterly joined us then and after
whom it must be said were from 5th 20 minutes or so, we set off for
Year; Willie Hedderman and Gary Kaedeen Mountain. We passed by
Lee). Spectators (though not banned) Knockanarrigan and the Coolmon ey

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