Page 59 - The Gonzaga Record 1987
P. 59
donated by Berger Paints Ltd. Mr THE FOURTH YEAR
Cusack and his band of diligent ALL-NIGHT VIGIL
followers courageously pitted them- RETREATS
selves against the most demanding and
extensive of redecorating tasks - that
of an elderly couple's home in Retreats are a common feature of
Crumlin. most schools, and Gonzaga is no
Most Saturdays during the term, a exception. However, it was decided this
second team was in action at various year to depart somewhat from the
times under the direction of Mrs norm by holding an all-night retreat
O'Duill, Mr Keenahan, Mr Murphy for the two Fourth Year classes: one
and Ms Nevin. In liaison with the St prior to Christmas and one after
Vincent De Paul and funded by one of Christmas.
their conferences, three houses were lt was felt that the night time was
painted in the Beechill Court complex suitable for many reasons. There was
for elderly people in Donnybrook. first the factor of novelty; then the
Finally a house in bad repair in the rather special atmosphere of the night
"Black Pitts" was given a facelift. and early morning hours, which con-
duces to prayer. lt would also be good
Stephen Hurley to show that a class could come to-
and Jonathan Newman gether outside normal school hours,
and live as a close Christi an com-
munity. The format of both retreats
was much the same.
As Friday nights tend to be li ve ly
I would like to express my very ni ghts for most people, we began the
sincere thanks to the many staff ni ght at 10.30 p.m. with a prayer
members, mentioned above, without session. That served to contrast the
whose co-operation, this very worth- silence and prayer of a ni ght vigi l with
while enterprise couldn't have kept the noise and haste of cit y ni ght life.
going. Many other members of Staff Not an easy task, you might we ll say,
made very valuable contributions at but David Cefai's guidance here was a
the planning stage, and I thank them great help to many. We followed the
for that. Mr George Stokes, the prayer session with a film called 'Paki'
College Bursar, also provided great which stressed the humaneness of
service in administering the financial God. This led to a most interesting
affairs. It is important to mention that group discuss ion on the va rious con-
all monies involved were retrospect- cepts and images of God commonly
ively paid back from the sum collected held by many of us. We felt we had
by the students themselves in the Fifth earned a break for a cup of tea, whi ch
Year Project. was hugely enjoyed by all.
While it didn't prove possible this Reconciliation and forgiveness are
year to devise a suitable scheme to an integral part of a community life,
involve such young boys as those in the and a Reconcili ati on Service wa~
Prep School, special thanks are due to conducted by Fr J. Brennan ''-', "ith
Ms Kelly, Mrs Crosbie and Mrs Egan an emphasis on each member or 1 he
for involving the entire Prep School in cl ass reconciling each other a~ true
a remarkable "Bring-and-Buy" cake brother .
sale in December. This venture raised The next se Ion wa a hort
£140 for charity. animated film call ed 'Neighbour'
whi ch brought to li ght 1 he di a trou
David Keenahan con cquence· of a failure to mal..e
Cusack and his band of diligent ALL-NIGHT VIGIL
followers courageously pitted them- RETREATS
selves against the most demanding and
extensive of redecorating tasks - that
of an elderly couple's home in Retreats are a common feature of
Crumlin. most schools, and Gonzaga is no
Most Saturdays during the term, a exception. However, it was decided this
second team was in action at various year to depart somewhat from the
times under the direction of Mrs norm by holding an all-night retreat
O'Duill, Mr Keenahan, Mr Murphy for the two Fourth Year classes: one
and Ms Nevin. In liaison with the St prior to Christmas and one after
Vincent De Paul and funded by one of Christmas.
their conferences, three houses were lt was felt that the night time was
painted in the Beechill Court complex suitable for many reasons. There was
for elderly people in Donnybrook. first the factor of novelty; then the
Finally a house in bad repair in the rather special atmosphere of the night
"Black Pitts" was given a facelift. and early morning hours, which con-
duces to prayer. lt would also be good
Stephen Hurley to show that a class could come to-
and Jonathan Newman gether outside normal school hours,
and live as a close Christi an com-
munity. The format of both retreats
was much the same.
As Friday nights tend to be li ve ly
I would like to express my very ni ghts for most people, we began the
sincere thanks to the many staff ni ght at 10.30 p.m. with a prayer
members, mentioned above, without session. That served to contrast the
whose co-operation, this very worth- silence and prayer of a ni ght vigi l with
while enterprise couldn't have kept the noise and haste of cit y ni ght life.
going. Many other members of Staff Not an easy task, you might we ll say,
made very valuable contributions at but David Cefai's guidance here was a
the planning stage, and I thank them great help to many. We followed the
for that. Mr George Stokes, the prayer session with a film called 'Paki'
College Bursar, also provided great which stressed the humaneness of
service in administering the financial God. This led to a most interesting
affairs. It is important to mention that group discuss ion on the va rious con-
all monies involved were retrospect- cepts and images of God commonly
ively paid back from the sum collected held by many of us. We felt we had
by the students themselves in the Fifth earned a break for a cup of tea, whi ch
Year Project. was hugely enjoyed by all.
While it didn't prove possible this Reconciliation and forgiveness are
year to devise a suitable scheme to an integral part of a community life,
involve such young boys as those in the and a Reconcili ati on Service wa~
Prep School, special thanks are due to conducted by Fr J. Brennan ''-', "ith
Ms Kelly, Mrs Crosbie and Mrs Egan an emphasis on each member or 1 he
for involving the entire Prep School in cl ass reconciling each other a~ true
a remarkable "Bring-and-Buy" cake brother .
sale in December. This venture raised The next se Ion wa a hort
£140 for charity. animated film call ed 'Neighbour'
whi ch brought to li ght 1 he di a trou
David Keenahan con cquence· of a failure to mal..e