Page 62 - The Gonzaga Record 1987
P. 62
Shortly afterwards, the creator of his performance as an Italian waiter
this whole opus headed for home, (silently accompanied by everybody
bearing under his arm a modest gift backstage). Brian O'Brien provided a
from the cast: a picture of a scene horrifyingly realistic demonstration of
from the opera, framed with the the symptoms of impending cardiac
signatures of every single person arrest, as his alter ego (Sir Fiendish
involved. Of those names, some Cadde) was hauled about a prison
dese rve particular attention . . . yard by a sadistic and equally hoarse
Ciaran Twomey effectively portrayed warder, Andrew Maree. Another
the great Sir Geoffrey Goodfellow, minor part with a big effect was
bowing out from the post of chairman Brendan DonJon's melodramatic poet
of Alpha Chemicals. He is replaced by and his determinedly Home Counties
Alfred Simple, a lift boy turned radio announcer. The last principal on
managing director. Eamonn Carney the list was Ciaran Ramsey, who defied
gave a resonating performance as a neck injury to turn up as a suitably
Alfred; hi s wife, Marion, was played pompous mayor.
by Una ni Dhubhghaill, who made the Not of course, that the principals
bes t of her fourteen lines (including were the only people worth noting: the
the immortal 'Here's a nice cup of tea, Senior Chorus managed to learn their
dear . . . '). Marion's match-making words in the end (for which relief
talents are eve ntually put to work on much thanks) and the Junior Chorus
Professor R.J.J. Fellowes; John likewise did their bit. The dancers
Heffernan performed energetically as from Muckross 'provided what we so
the Professor, bounding about on sadly lack' (to quote the late great Fr
stage in the grip of an invi sible dog. Barber) and greatly contributed to
Said dog (the title role of this opera) is making the opera what it was. Thanks
set loose by the arch-villain of the to Jennifer Baldwin, Bairbre Berry,
piece, Simon Warbec k. The actor Catherine Boothman, Emer Byrne,
chosen to don the traditional bald wig Lucy Cosgrave, Elva Duffy, Susan
was David Kennedy, who managed to Foley, Brona Kelleher, Susan Kelly,
survive the va rious pitfalls of the pro- Aileen McKenna, Eavan O'Halloran
fession (including getting injured and Audrey Palmer. Obviously, the
playing rugby, leavin g hi s costume opera could not have taken place
behind at a house in Leeson Street and without our efficient orchestra, who at
hav in g hi s props sabotaged by stage least deserve a mention.
crew). Backstage, busy but unseen (most of
Warbeck, cad that he is, in sinuates the time) worked an army of stage
himself into the confidences of a naive crew, props and lighting people under
but determined wa itress, Daisy Chey ne the relaxed authority of the stage
played by Deirdre Hogan who per- manager, Killian Morris.
formed with appropri ate naivete and The snow helped, obviously. A
determination. Michael Doran put in direct divine intervention covered
an appearance as the Government Ireland with enough to bring the
minister whose opinion could make or country to a standstill and give the
break Alpha Chemicals. Other govern- stage crew time to finish the sets.
ment agents were the two policemen, Finally, very many thanks to all the
Paul Quinl an and Alan Lawlor who people who so kindly allowed their
we re called in to put down a demons- houses to be used for the post-opera
tration aroused by a left-wing agit ator, parties, especially Mr and Mrs
David Stave ley. Hederman.
One well-known blow-in from sixth
year, Aran Maree, stole the show with Barry Doherty (S.5A)
this whole opus headed for home, (silently accompanied by everybody
bearing under his arm a modest gift backstage). Brian O'Brien provided a
from the cast: a picture of a scene horrifyingly realistic demonstration of
from the opera, framed with the the symptoms of impending cardiac
signatures of every single person arrest, as his alter ego (Sir Fiendish
involved. Of those names, some Cadde) was hauled about a prison
dese rve particular attention . . . yard by a sadistic and equally hoarse
Ciaran Twomey effectively portrayed warder, Andrew Maree. Another
the great Sir Geoffrey Goodfellow, minor part with a big effect was
bowing out from the post of chairman Brendan DonJon's melodramatic poet
of Alpha Chemicals. He is replaced by and his determinedly Home Counties
Alfred Simple, a lift boy turned radio announcer. The last principal on
managing director. Eamonn Carney the list was Ciaran Ramsey, who defied
gave a resonating performance as a neck injury to turn up as a suitably
Alfred; hi s wife, Marion, was played pompous mayor.
by Una ni Dhubhghaill, who made the Not of course, that the principals
bes t of her fourteen lines (including were the only people worth noting: the
the immortal 'Here's a nice cup of tea, Senior Chorus managed to learn their
dear . . . '). Marion's match-making words in the end (for which relief
talents are eve ntually put to work on much thanks) and the Junior Chorus
Professor R.J.J. Fellowes; John likewise did their bit. The dancers
Heffernan performed energetically as from Muckross 'provided what we so
the Professor, bounding about on sadly lack' (to quote the late great Fr
stage in the grip of an invi sible dog. Barber) and greatly contributed to
Said dog (the title role of this opera) is making the opera what it was. Thanks
set loose by the arch-villain of the to Jennifer Baldwin, Bairbre Berry,
piece, Simon Warbec k. The actor Catherine Boothman, Emer Byrne,
chosen to don the traditional bald wig Lucy Cosgrave, Elva Duffy, Susan
was David Kennedy, who managed to Foley, Brona Kelleher, Susan Kelly,
survive the va rious pitfalls of the pro- Aileen McKenna, Eavan O'Halloran
fession (including getting injured and Audrey Palmer. Obviously, the
playing rugby, leavin g hi s costume opera could not have taken place
behind at a house in Leeson Street and without our efficient orchestra, who at
hav in g hi s props sabotaged by stage least deserve a mention.
crew). Backstage, busy but unseen (most of
Warbeck, cad that he is, in sinuates the time) worked an army of stage
himself into the confidences of a naive crew, props and lighting people under
but determined wa itress, Daisy Chey ne the relaxed authority of the stage
played by Deirdre Hogan who per- manager, Killian Morris.
formed with appropri ate naivete and The snow helped, obviously. A
determination. Michael Doran put in direct divine intervention covered
an appearance as the Government Ireland with enough to bring the
minister whose opinion could make or country to a standstill and give the
break Alpha Chemicals. Other govern- stage crew time to finish the sets.
ment agents were the two policemen, Finally, very many thanks to all the
Paul Quinl an and Alan Lawlor who people who so kindly allowed their
we re called in to put down a demons- houses to be used for the post-opera
tration aroused by a left-wing agit ator, parties, especially Mr and Mrs
David Stave ley. Hederman.
One well-known blow-in from sixth
year, Aran Maree, stole the show with Barry Doherty (S.5A)