Page 69 - The Gonzaga Record 1987
P. 69
The Junior Cup Team 1986-7 pack. CBC's outhalf, Mahon, con-
verted from the touchline. A few
All last year we saw the Juniors doing minutes later Annraoi Morris was
better and better and we worried about concussed and had to go off. Just
possibly unfair comparisons. What before half-time CBC scored another
would our fate be in Third Year after pushover try to make the score 10-0.
their successes? In the second half we got a penalty
We lost the first few matches and on their 5-yard line. During the penalty
morale was a bit low until we beat St. move a CBC forward, who was off-
Michael's (28-4) which saw Stephen side, tried to block Justin McCarthy's
Sexton's first of many tries from his pass to Stephen Sexton. Had the
own try-line. We then lapsed, and a referee not seen this Stephen would
string of defeats with 110 points being probably have scored. As it was the
scored against us without Gonzaga penalty was retaken and CBC got the
scoring a point. Eventually Colum ball.
Gleeson ended the jinx and we scored A short time later Ross Morgan had
against CBC Monkstown. to go off when Killian Boland
A few more matches went by and accidentally kneed him in the face.
my memory of these is a little blurred, Just before the end CBC got
thankfully, I suspect. Then the resur- another pushover try and Mahon
rection began. We beat De La Salle converted to make the score 16-0. I
Skerries 40-0. In the next two matches should also mention a break by J im
we lost by only a point to De La Salle Gallagher, which gained us sixty yards,
Churchtown and to St Andrews. Just but came to nothing when we lost the
before the Christmas holidays we beat lineout.
Belvedere 18-3 . So ended our Cup 'campaign', but
The Juniors trained intensively over the party was good anyway. However
Christmas and, had there been no the season was not over yet. In the
injury problems, we would have won Plate we got a walkove r against
our next match against Presentation Roscrea and faced C.U.S. in the second
Bray. Instead we got our revenge on St round. After an abysmal first half we
Paul's (12-6), who had beaten us scored 13 points in the last 10 minutes
earlier in the season. to qualify for a replay.
Finally our big day came. We A week later in Bird Avenue we lost
arrived at Donnybrook before CBC to C.U.S. 4-0 in a tough match.
and were out on the pitch before them. There is nothing else to say about
Since we had only one cup match I this year's J.C.T. except to wish next
had better write all I can about it. year's team good luck and to thank Mr
The first fifteen minutes were score- Walsh and Mr Keenahan fo r their
less. Then an unfortunate bounce gave work.
CBC a scrum on our line and a push-
over try, due to the weight of their David Bateman (S.3A)
verted from the touchline. A few
All last year we saw the Juniors doing minutes later Annraoi Morris was
better and better and we worried about concussed and had to go off. Just
possibly unfair comparisons. What before half-time CBC scored another
would our fate be in Third Year after pushover try to make the score 10-0.
their successes? In the second half we got a penalty
We lost the first few matches and on their 5-yard line. During the penalty
morale was a bit low until we beat St. move a CBC forward, who was off-
Michael's (28-4) which saw Stephen side, tried to block Justin McCarthy's
Sexton's first of many tries from his pass to Stephen Sexton. Had the
own try-line. We then lapsed, and a referee not seen this Stephen would
string of defeats with 110 points being probably have scored. As it was the
scored against us without Gonzaga penalty was retaken and CBC got the
scoring a point. Eventually Colum ball.
Gleeson ended the jinx and we scored A short time later Ross Morgan had
against CBC Monkstown. to go off when Killian Boland
A few more matches went by and accidentally kneed him in the face.
my memory of these is a little blurred, Just before the end CBC got
thankfully, I suspect. Then the resur- another pushover try and Mahon
rection began. We beat De La Salle converted to make the score 16-0. I
Skerries 40-0. In the next two matches should also mention a break by J im
we lost by only a point to De La Salle Gallagher, which gained us sixty yards,
Churchtown and to St Andrews. Just but came to nothing when we lost the
before the Christmas holidays we beat lineout.
Belvedere 18-3 . So ended our Cup 'campaign', but
The Juniors trained intensively over the party was good anyway. However
Christmas and, had there been no the season was not over yet. In the
injury problems, we would have won Plate we got a walkove r against
our next match against Presentation Roscrea and faced C.U.S. in the second
Bray. Instead we got our revenge on St round. After an abysmal first half we
Paul's (12-6), who had beaten us scored 13 points in the last 10 minutes
earlier in the season. to qualify for a replay.
Finally our big day came. We A week later in Bird Avenue we lost
arrived at Donnybrook before CBC to C.U.S. 4-0 in a tough match.
and were out on the pitch before them. There is nothing else to say about
Since we had only one cup match I this year's J.C.T. except to wish next
had better write all I can about it. year's team good luck and to thank Mr
The first fifteen minutes were score- Walsh and Mr Keenahan fo r their
less. Then an unfortunate bounce gave work.
CBC a scrum on our line and a push-
over try, due to the weight of their David Bateman (S.3A)