Page 54 - The Gonzaga Record 1987
P. 54
shaving them. Having thus prepared ST ALOYSIUS GONZAGA
their patients, the brancardiers bring CONFERENCE
their patient to the refectory in the VINCENT DE PAUL
Acceuil for his breakfast. After that
there is a procession to the Grotto for
daily Mass. The wheel-chairs had During early summer last year, four of
covers that could be lowered or raised our members, A. Maree, S. Dunne, P.
accordingly as one wished to protect Higgins and P. Eliet spent a week in
the patient against sun or rain. At the Sunshine House, Balbriggan, a holiday
end of the Mass there is the procession home for young deprived boys and
back to the Hospital. By the time all girls (ages 6-11). By all accounts they
this is accomplished the patient is had a great, if exhausting time
ready for lunch. After lunch the building castles, going on picnics and
patients are brought outside, some to in every way looking after the 150
go to the baths, and some just to chat children. During August, B. Doherty
outside with other people. spent a week in Kerdiffstown House
Naas, helping old people, from variou~
At 3.30 pm one began the prepar-
ation for the Blessed Sacrament pro- ho.spitals and homes in the city, to
cession and the Blessing of the Sick. enJOY a week's holiday.
The patients are wheeled down again Early September saw new members
to the square and the promenade in joining the Conference from fourth
front of the Cathedral where all the year. During the next three months
patients are blessed. At the end of this they got experience in visiting the sick.
moving ceremony the patients are In December between 30-40 members
wheeled back to the Hospital, followed and sympathisers carolled outside
by a chat, and then dinner for the Clery's for three consecutive Saturday
invalids. The brancardier then took his afternoons and collected £1,000 for the
first free time of the day. One hour to poor. A few days later we gave a party
take his own dinner and have a chat. for the patients in the six wards we
We usually had our dinner in our own visit, by carolling and giving a present
hotel. At 8.0 pm it was back for the to each, Barry Doherty was a most
famous torch-light procession. Once convincing Santa Claus and the party
again the patients were wheeled down was declared a great success.
t? the Grotto, this time carrying The New Year brought new appoint-
lighted candles and singing the m~nts: B. Doherty (Pres.), S. Higgins
Lourdes hymn. (V1ce-Pres.) S. O'Connor (Secretary),
This is always a very moving sight and A. Kelly (Treas.)
and it is what all pilgrims and visitors The weekly visits to the sick con-
to Lourdes most vividly remember. It tinue. For four Mondays in the second
is a spectacular view to see from the term, the school served as a distri-
balcony of the Cathedral as one gazes bution-centre for the EEC food
out over the huge gathering, illumin- surpluses. Harry McEvoy, the Area
ated by thousands of lighted candles. President of Dublin South-East
Each brancardier had a different surperv1sed the allotments of meat,
patient each day. This arrangement cheese and butter to members of the
offers both the patient and the different conferences from the south
brancardier a chance of meeting more side. They in turn brought the food to
people. We were a tired group that individual families.
returned to Dublin, but with a feeling Under the inspiration of S.
that we had been part of a marvellous O'Connor, J. Morgan, A. Kelly and J.
exhibition of faith and of love. Cooney all the patients of the wards
we visited, received an Easter Egg for
Paul Keelan (S.6A) Easter. This was very well received.

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