Page 88 - The Gonzaga Record 1990
P. 88

7.50 a.m. It's always a mad rush leaving for school-my Dad hates
traffic jams.

8.15 a.m. Driving up the Avenue - thirty-five minutes of freedom
until the dreaded bell. Time enough for soccer or tennis,
even revision.

8.50 a.m. Boys in place and books on desk. Make sure your tie is
tight. Mr McNelis is back.

9.00 a. m. P.E.-Red sweaty faces and tired legs, but we don't mind.

9.45 a. m. MATHS - not another mental test. Boy, I wish I had a

10.25 a.m. ART - cartoon, comic-strips give way to putting final
touches on our art work for the Sportsday exhibition.
11.10 a. m. BREAK-We really deserve it. British bulldogs take over.

11.25 a. m. GAEILGE-agus anois an rang gaeilge. Caoga litru den
obair bhaile!

12.10 p.m. LUNCH-Gushies and Brother Barry's shop add a little
extra to our home-packed lunch.

12.55 p.m. HISTORY - Project deadline today. Classroom full of
Norman Warriors, sticky tape and glue.

1.40 p.m. Dublin is on the Liffey,
Cork is on the Lee,
How much longer
do we have GEOGRAPHY?
2.25 p.m. School is over for today. I hope I make the 46A.

Conor Deasy (Prep. 3)

   83   84   85   86   87   88   89   90   91   92   93