Page 89 - The Gonzaga Record 1990
P. 89
1989-90 SENIOR It showed in subsequent matches though
RUGBY REPORT victory still seemed to elude us.
The Cup was now upon us. Our first
A ha been the custom for the past few opponents were eventual winners of
ear . the hopefuls arrived on the senior Section A, Kilkenny College. The venue
pitch to perform the annual ritual of the was Jones' Road, a near disaster area for
50-minute run. As alway Mr McCarthy previous Gonzaga Cup teams. Although
donned the blue raingear. bestowing a the Press forecast an upset, we stood tirm
trange sense of purpose on all the and ran out eventual winners. Pl aying
faithful pre ent. Three people fini shed the into the wind in the first half we went
run. without stopping. Unfortunately Mr down 6-0 at the interval due to two fin ely
struc k pe nalties. Aware of the
Whirdy was included in this total and yes, consid erable wind advantage, we were
this was a sign of things to come. subsequently untroubled in the second
Amidst querie of 'why do we play this half. Declan Fassbender made the break-
fixture first every year?ยท we were through as he bustl ed hi s way over to
defeated by Pres. Bray 20-3. It was a score just left of the posts. Phi lip Quinlan
spirited performance although Jacking in added points with the conversion and a
cohe ion. penalty soon after. More prolonged
There was both skill and true fighting pressure yielded another unconverted try,
spirit lying dormant in this team , but it leaving the final score at 13-6.
took some time to show itself. Possibly Our second round match was played on
the season's three best matches were what could only be described as a
those again st St Michael's (at home), quagmire. The opponents were, beli eve
Belvedere (away) and High School it or not, St Columbas College, runners
(away). The first, although fiercely up of Section A. They were to prove
contested, produced much flowing rugby much less troubl esome opponents than
which resulted in some fine tries and a Kilkenny. One change was made; th e
see-sawing scoreline. Before taking on hard-tackling Conal Boland was brought
Belvedere in Cabra, we had already lost in in stead of his close rival Mark Carney.
our ' flying winger', Rory Bresnihan and The experience and power of our front
prospective captain, Oisin Muldowney. three proved too much for St Columbas
In view of the losses, David Bateman was in the heavy conditions. Our tall second
elected captain and he filled the role row, Colm Gleeson, reaped the benefits
admirably. It was a close run contest, of hi s 6ft 4ins in the lineouts. Although
with the two teams drawn 13-13 until the we had scored a comprehensive victory
final minute when Belvedere secured we had again lost the services of our
their win with a fine try under the posts. tenacious fl anker, Oisin Muldowney,
It was a bitter loss for us although by now through injury. We now had the daunting
we were getting used to being on the task of facing our Jesuit ri vals, Belvedere
losing end. College, in the Quarter Finals at
As the friendly season drew to a close, Donnybrook. Among the opposition was
desperation set in and our coaches Kevin O 'Brien, termed the 'Green
summoned the talents of that easily Defector'. He alone was a force to be
recognised past pupil, Andy O 'Donovan. reckoned with.
Through him a sense of spirit, pride and Choosing to play with the wind, we
even aggression was drilled into the pack. failed to capitalise on much-sustained
1989-90 SENIOR It showed in subsequent matches though
RUGBY REPORT victory still seemed to elude us.
The Cup was now upon us. Our first
A ha been the custom for the past few opponents were eventual winners of
ear . the hopefuls arrived on the senior Section A, Kilkenny College. The venue
pitch to perform the annual ritual of the was Jones' Road, a near disaster area for
50-minute run. As alway Mr McCarthy previous Gonzaga Cup teams. Although
donned the blue raingear. bestowing a the Press forecast an upset, we stood tirm
trange sense of purpose on all the and ran out eventual winners. Pl aying
faithful pre ent. Three people fini shed the into the wind in the first half we went
run. without stopping. Unfortunately Mr down 6-0 at the interval due to two fin ely
struc k pe nalties. Aware of the
Whirdy was included in this total and yes, consid erable wind advantage, we were
this was a sign of things to come. subsequently untroubled in the second
Amidst querie of 'why do we play this half. Declan Fassbender made the break-
fixture first every year?ยท we were through as he bustl ed hi s way over to
defeated by Pres. Bray 20-3. It was a score just left of the posts. Phi lip Quinlan
spirited performance although Jacking in added points with the conversion and a
cohe ion. penalty soon after. More prolonged
There was both skill and true fighting pressure yielded another unconverted try,
spirit lying dormant in this team , but it leaving the final score at 13-6.
took some time to show itself. Possibly Our second round match was played on
the season's three best matches were what could only be described as a
those again st St Michael's (at home), quagmire. The opponents were, beli eve
Belvedere (away) and High School it or not, St Columbas College, runners
(away). The first, although fiercely up of Section A. They were to prove
contested, produced much flowing rugby much less troubl esome opponents than
which resulted in some fine tries and a Kilkenny. One change was made; th e
see-sawing scoreline. Before taking on hard-tackling Conal Boland was brought
Belvedere in Cabra, we had already lost in in stead of his close rival Mark Carney.
our ' flying winger', Rory Bresnihan and The experience and power of our front
prospective captain, Oisin Muldowney. three proved too much for St Columbas
In view of the losses, David Bateman was in the heavy conditions. Our tall second
elected captain and he filled the role row, Colm Gleeson, reaped the benefits
admirably. It was a close run contest, of hi s 6ft 4ins in the lineouts. Although
with the two teams drawn 13-13 until the we had scored a comprehensive victory
final minute when Belvedere secured we had again lost the services of our
their win with a fine try under the posts. tenacious fl anker, Oisin Muldowney,
It was a bitter loss for us although by now through injury. We now had the daunting
we were getting used to being on the task of facing our Jesuit ri vals, Belvedere
losing end. College, in the Quarter Finals at
As the friendly season drew to a close, Donnybrook. Among the opposition was
desperation set in and our coaches Kevin O 'Brien, termed the 'Green
summoned the talents of that easily Defector'. He alone was a force to be
recognised past pupil, Andy O 'Donovan. reckoned with.
Through him a sense of spirit, pride and Choosing to play with the wind, we
even aggression was drilled into the pack. failed to capitalise on much-sustained