Page 86 - The Gonzaga Record 1990
P. 86
Prep. School Nativity Play, Christmas 1989
butterfly for my sister's confirmation. expectantly. The play went very
The biggest butterfly is the Queen smoothly, and John Freeman, Alan
Victoria Bird Wing. The most common Doran (the two travellers), and Patrick
butterfly is called the Plain Leopard. We Kevans (King Herod) fully deserved their
all had a brilliant time thanks to Ms drama certificates. I can also say that Mrs
O'Kelly and the Mums. We all came Crosbie did a great job of keeping us on
home singing on the bus. the 'straight and narrow', while we were
Dermot Marah (Prep. 1)
Ian Moynihan (Prep. 2)
It was the 8th of December, and everyone
was feeling slightly (if not a lot!) nervous. One of the highlights of the summer term
For this was the day of Prep 2's was the school tour.
Christmas play. I must say that Mrs At last the big day arrived, 7 May
Fe !ton did a great job of polishing up our 1990. Prep 2 got on the bus for the Boyne
lines, and putting forward suggestions Valley. We were all in a very happy
about how to wear our costumes. We all mood.
lined up outside the chapel, each person Mrs Crosbie announced interesting
pointing out his relations to nobody in places on the way. Our first stop was the
particular. Then we all filed slowly up Hill ofTara. The original name was Tea
the aisle, singing 'Once in Royal David's named after a Spanish princess who is
City' . All of us who weren't in the first supposed to be buried there. Over the
scene went into the benches and sat down years the name was changed to Tara.
Prep. School Nativity Play, Christmas 1989
butterfly for my sister's confirmation. expectantly. The play went very
The biggest butterfly is the Queen smoothly, and John Freeman, Alan
Victoria Bird Wing. The most common Doran (the two travellers), and Patrick
butterfly is called the Plain Leopard. We Kevans (King Herod) fully deserved their
all had a brilliant time thanks to Ms drama certificates. I can also say that Mrs
O'Kelly and the Mums. We all came Crosbie did a great job of keeping us on
home singing on the bus. the 'straight and narrow', while we were
Dermot Marah (Prep. 1)
Ian Moynihan (Prep. 2)
It was the 8th of December, and everyone
was feeling slightly (if not a lot!) nervous. One of the highlights of the summer term
For this was the day of Prep 2's was the school tour.
Christmas play. I must say that Mrs At last the big day arrived, 7 May
Fe !ton did a great job of polishing up our 1990. Prep 2 got on the bus for the Boyne
lines, and putting forward suggestions Valley. We were all in a very happy
about how to wear our costumes. We all mood.
lined up outside the chapel, each person Mrs Crosbie announced interesting
pointing out his relations to nobody in places on the way. Our first stop was the
particular. Then we all filed slowly up Hill ofTara. The original name was Tea
the aisle, singing 'Once in Royal David's named after a Spanish princess who is
City' . All of us who weren't in the first supposed to be buried there. Over the
scene went into the benches and sat down years the name was changed to Tara.