Page 83 - The Gonzaga Record 1990
P. 83
Youth go to their bloody Grindschools' . Ultimately, great commitment
from the principals, especially the leading ladies, created something which
we could all be proud of. Special mention must go to: Lucy O'Sullivan
a Sandra, Su an Kennedy as Glyni s, Fiona McMahon and Sarah Devitt
who were both wonderful ' mothers' and, above all , to Ciara Bryars as
Edna, Les ยท long-suffering wife. Her reactions to Gareth ' s improvisational
talents were admirable.
It woul d be ungrateful of me not to menti on the Trojan work of th e
stage crew, lighting and sound engineer, the guidance of Cormac Deane
and Mr Darragh O'Connell. To construct terracing capabl e of holding
80 people was remarkabl e, the " Hallelujah Choru s' a gem and th ey even
doubled as policemen! The perfo rmance all three ni ghts of Eoin and
Michael was memorabl e. Eoin fo r hi s stunning acting and haircut and
Michael fo r hi s tireless enthusiasm, remarkable stage presence and the
strength to overcome a voice-loss and even incorporate it in hi s Friday
ni ght perfo rmance.
This play in many ways answered some of the questions about our year
and us as a group but one outstanding question remains: whatever happened
to the black bus conductor? 'Where's your Father?' has already become
part of Gonzaga's sporting tradition but I hope the pl ay itself will also
be remembered. It certainly deserves to since it serves as a reminder that
school is not always about points, and that our tiny if temporarily all-
important, world of the Leaving Certificate can be supplanted by something
which will live much longer in our memories.

Jim O'Brien (S.6A)


This year the programme consisted mainly of five meetings. In October
we met and discussed the importance of the co-operation between parents
and school in the effective formation in faith of the boys. Fr Moylan
suggested an article from John Westeroff's 'Bringing up Children in the
Christian Faith' called 'Modelling the Adult Pilgrimage in the Chri stian
Faith' as reading matter for the next meeting. When we met on 13
December the document was presented by John Hyland and evaluated
by Ann Ormond. There was general agreement that the adult pilgrimage
could be very exciting if taken seriously. The meeting ended with th e
customary cup of tea.
On Wednesday, 24 January Dr Brendan Deasy, Nuala Clarke and Fr
Moylan addressed the parents on problems related to the sexual formation
of the boys. This talk preceded the talks which the boys received on 22
January and 25 January.
Our next meeting was Wednesday, 21 March. In preparation for this

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