Page 72 - The Gonzaga Record 1989
P. 72
revived hopes with the kind of score Our congratulations go to Terenure
most unusual in a junior school's on their victory. Thanks are due to the
match. From a free that followed a community and staff for their
scrum the ball was worked to scrum- generous support - to the parents of
half Philip Quintan, a big lad for such the boys for their interest and co-
a post. He let fly with a drop kick operation and above all to the
from about forty yards; the ball sailed members of the squad for their effort
high over the cross-bar and far and commitment throughout the year.
beyond. It was the kind of score that From the trainers' point of view it was
would have won a cup final in school- a most enjoyable and fulfilling year.
boy fiction, but this was }or real' and Many pleasant memories remain.
Terenure never panicked; play was in
mid-field when the end came." Bobby Byrne
And so victory was not to be ours;
however, it was a performance and P.S. Most of the credit for the JCT success
achievement of which the team could is due to their trainers, Bobby Byrne
be very proud. Despite our disappoint- and Jim Walsh . Their achievement
ment, this year's achievement gives us was not merely to help the team reach
hope for the future. This team under the Final but to transform them by
their own commitment and skill into a
the inspiring leadership of Michael group capable of such an achievement
Kelly has very good qualities and a in a most worthwhile manner. They
knowledge that they can compete with were true educators. Ed.
the best.

   67   68   69   70   71   72   73   74   75   76   77