Page 69 - The Gonzaga Record 1989
P. 69
from last year's JCT. He was always a Special mention must also be made
menace to opposing defences. Declan of the subs:- Alex Moynihan (who
Fassbender possessed the complete played against Templeogue), Gavin
array of skills necessary for a Mullet (who came on in the final),
competent out-half - a shrewd Senan Sexton, Jude O'Reilly, Mark
tactical kicker with an instinctive Heffernan and Aengus Fleming.
knowledge of when to let the ball out, Their spirit never waned and their
to get his back line moving. He had a unselfish attitude contributed greatly
fine cup campaign. He was well served to this team's achievement. Most other
by Philip Quintan at scrum-half. years, they all would have been on the
Philip was the team's most prolific team.
scorer. He scored in each round of the
cup, including our 6 points in the Cup Campaign
final. He is a very good scrum-half
with an abundance of footballing The cup campaign commenced on
talents. He was undoubtedly one of February 2nd vs High School in
the best players on view in this season's Terenure College. The team made a
competition, and should have a fine nervous start in a match played in
future in the game. conditions which made constructive
In the forwards we had two rugby very difficult. However, a try by
tenacious props in Johnny Daly and Roger Nolan and two penalties con-
Alex Martin. Both were formidable verted by Philip Quinlan gave us a
scrummagers. Good handlers and ball victory 10-0.
carriers in the loose. Michael Kelly, Templeogue provided us with the
hooker and captain of the team had all next hurdle. The match, yet again, was
the skills required for this demanding played in difficult conditions, in fact,
position. He played exceptionally well our superiority in mastering the
throughout the cup campaign. As a elements, with some shrewd tactical
captain, he led by example and was an kicking by our half-backs and a
inspiration to all, he was highly powerful pack performance was the
respected by his team mates. Mark difference between the teams. Mark
O'Mahony and John Sweetman filled O'Mahony scored a try and Philip
the 2nd row positions. Mark always kicked a penalty to give us a 9-0
made life difficult for his opponents in victory. In the quarter final, we met a
the line out, and contributed greatly in good St. Michael's team who had dis-
loose play, scoring an important try vs posed of Blackrock in the previous
Templeogue in the cup. John was our round. The level of commitment by
main source of possession, "out-of- both sides in this match was remark-
touch". He played with great com- able, and for the first 20 minutes we
mitment during the cup. had to absorb enormous pressure
Gareth Pelly, Kevin Feeney and before St. Michael's opened their
Roger Nolan made up a most effective account with a penalty - however,
back row unit. Kevin and Gareth com- just before half time, Johnny Daly
plemented each other - Gareth, a managed to score a try on one of our
most industrious forward was very few forays into St. Michael's territory
effective, close to the scrum on the in the first half. A super performance
blind side. Kevin, on the open side, was enabled us to dominate the 2nd half
fast and strong and totally committed. territorially and we came out 7-6
Roger, played at the base of the scrum winners. The semi-final vs Wesley
and his great strength enabled him to again was played in difficult conditions
score many fine tries in that position, but forward dominance allowed us to
including 2 in the cup. control the proceedings and tries by
menace to opposing defences. Declan of the subs:- Alex Moynihan (who
Fassbender possessed the complete played against Templeogue), Gavin
array of skills necessary for a Mullet (who came on in the final),
competent out-half - a shrewd Senan Sexton, Jude O'Reilly, Mark
tactical kicker with an instinctive Heffernan and Aengus Fleming.
knowledge of when to let the ball out, Their spirit never waned and their
to get his back line moving. He had a unselfish attitude contributed greatly
fine cup campaign. He was well served to this team's achievement. Most other
by Philip Quintan at scrum-half. years, they all would have been on the
Philip was the team's most prolific team.
scorer. He scored in each round of the
cup, including our 6 points in the Cup Campaign
final. He is a very good scrum-half
with an abundance of footballing The cup campaign commenced on
talents. He was undoubtedly one of February 2nd vs High School in
the best players on view in this season's Terenure College. The team made a
competition, and should have a fine nervous start in a match played in
future in the game. conditions which made constructive
In the forwards we had two rugby very difficult. However, a try by
tenacious props in Johnny Daly and Roger Nolan and two penalties con-
Alex Martin. Both were formidable verted by Philip Quinlan gave us a
scrummagers. Good handlers and ball victory 10-0.
carriers in the loose. Michael Kelly, Templeogue provided us with the
hooker and captain of the team had all next hurdle. The match, yet again, was
the skills required for this demanding played in difficult conditions, in fact,
position. He played exceptionally well our superiority in mastering the
throughout the cup campaign. As a elements, with some shrewd tactical
captain, he led by example and was an kicking by our half-backs and a
inspiration to all, he was highly powerful pack performance was the
respected by his team mates. Mark difference between the teams. Mark
O'Mahony and John Sweetman filled O'Mahony scored a try and Philip
the 2nd row positions. Mark always kicked a penalty to give us a 9-0
made life difficult for his opponents in victory. In the quarter final, we met a
the line out, and contributed greatly in good St. Michael's team who had dis-
loose play, scoring an important try vs posed of Blackrock in the previous
Templeogue in the cup. John was our round. The level of commitment by
main source of possession, "out-of- both sides in this match was remark-
touch". He played with great com- able, and for the first 20 minutes we
mitment during the cup. had to absorb enormous pressure
Gareth Pelly, Kevin Feeney and before St. Michael's opened their
Roger Nolan made up a most effective account with a penalty - however,
back row unit. Kevin and Gareth com- just before half time, Johnny Daly
plemented each other - Gareth, a managed to score a try on one of our
most industrious forward was very few forays into St. Michael's territory
effective, close to the scrum on the in the first half. A super performance
blind side. Kevin, on the open side, was enabled us to dominate the 2nd half
fast and strong and totally committed. territorially and we came out 7-6
Roger, played at the base of the scrum winners. The semi-final vs Wesley
and his great strength enabled him to again was played in difficult conditions
score many fine tries in that position, but forward dominance allowed us to
including 2 in the cup. control the proceedings and tries by