Page 67 - The Gonzaga Record 1989
P. 67
This year's Junior Cup Team distin- Valuable, confidence-boosting vic-
guished itself in making history by tories were gained vs Templeogue 9-0;
being the first from the college to Clongowes 7-4; R.B.A.I. 11-7; De La
reach a Leinster Schools Cup Final at Salle 50-6; St. Andrew's 31-4;
Lansdowne Road. In a remarkable Newbridge 20-0 and an important
season the team played 29 matches; revenge defeat of St. Michael's 14-3.
won 23; lost 4 and 2 were drawn. They The team's commitment to training
scored 455 points and conceded 159. enabled them to achieve a very high
They reached the final of the cup level of fitness. This helped
without conceding a try during the enormously in the avoidance of injury,
campaign and were beaten by 8 points a very important factor, considering
to 6 by Terenure College in a thrilling the number of players available for
final replay. It must also be said that selection. This allowed more or less for
Terenure were stretched to the limit of a settled side from January until the
their resources in a final of the highest cup final. Mark Carney provided our
standard and it took two very good last line of defence and was very
Terenure tries in the replay to decide reliable on all occasions. Having
the destination of the Trophy. switched from the centre where he
At the beginning of the season there played on last year's JCT he soon
was a nucleus of five veterans of last acquired all the essential qualities
year's JCT around which to build a necessary for the full-back position -
team. All in all there was a pool of a good hands, "a big boot" and a fine
mere 32 players, who attended the first tackler. These qualities, allied with
training session, from which to select a strong attacking instincts, made him a
cup team. These boys had most suc- valuable asset to the back line. He
cessful seasons at both under 13 and scored many fine tries during the
under 14levels so there was some early season and capped it all with a very
optimism in the camp. This optimism good performance in the final. Ken
was compounded by most encouraging Powell and William Fitzgerald filled
results in friendly matches up to the wing positions. Both had fine cup
Christmas. We suffered only two de- campaigns. Ken was courageous in
feats in this period at the hands of defence and strong in attack. His
Terenure 10-16 and St. Michael's 6-7. wholehearted attitude was admirable.
The team defeated Pres. Bray (the cup William joined the squad as an under
holders) 21-18 in a splendid match in 14 in October and showed a maturity
Gonzaga before mid-term. After much as a player beyond his years. He is a
trial and error a panel of 21 players most talented footballer, with a fine
was selected at mid-term to prepare for turn of pace. Conal Boland and
the cup campaign. These 21 players Ronan White provided an excellent
from that time until the cup final centre combination. Ronan, a fine
showed an incredible level of com- footballer, was a tremendous creator
mitment, dedication and skill. The of opportunities and a fine support
team had a run of 17 matches from 8th player. He was also one of the best
October until the first cup match on tacklers on the team. Conal, a decisive
February 2nd. They were defeated only and determined runner with the ball
once in this period (by Pres. Bray). and solid in defence, was a survivor
This year's Junior Cup Team distin- Valuable, confidence-boosting vic-
guished itself in making history by tories were gained vs Templeogue 9-0;
being the first from the college to Clongowes 7-4; R.B.A.I. 11-7; De La
reach a Leinster Schools Cup Final at Salle 50-6; St. Andrew's 31-4;
Lansdowne Road. In a remarkable Newbridge 20-0 and an important
season the team played 29 matches; revenge defeat of St. Michael's 14-3.
won 23; lost 4 and 2 were drawn. They The team's commitment to training
scored 455 points and conceded 159. enabled them to achieve a very high
They reached the final of the cup level of fitness. This helped
without conceding a try during the enormously in the avoidance of injury,
campaign and were beaten by 8 points a very important factor, considering
to 6 by Terenure College in a thrilling the number of players available for
final replay. It must also be said that selection. This allowed more or less for
Terenure were stretched to the limit of a settled side from January until the
their resources in a final of the highest cup final. Mark Carney provided our
standard and it took two very good last line of defence and was very
Terenure tries in the replay to decide reliable on all occasions. Having
the destination of the Trophy. switched from the centre where he
At the beginning of the season there played on last year's JCT he soon
was a nucleus of five veterans of last acquired all the essential qualities
year's JCT around which to build a necessary for the full-back position -
team. All in all there was a pool of a good hands, "a big boot" and a fine
mere 32 players, who attended the first tackler. These qualities, allied with
training session, from which to select a strong attacking instincts, made him a
cup team. These boys had most suc- valuable asset to the back line. He
cessful seasons at both under 13 and scored many fine tries during the
under 14levels so there was some early season and capped it all with a very
optimism in the camp. This optimism good performance in the final. Ken
was compounded by most encouraging Powell and William Fitzgerald filled
results in friendly matches up to the wing positions. Both had fine cup
Christmas. We suffered only two de- campaigns. Ken was courageous in
feats in this period at the hands of defence and strong in attack. His
Terenure 10-16 and St. Michael's 6-7. wholehearted attitude was admirable.
The team defeated Pres. Bray (the cup William joined the squad as an under
holders) 21-18 in a splendid match in 14 in October and showed a maturity
Gonzaga before mid-term. After much as a player beyond his years. He is a
trial and error a panel of 21 players most talented footballer, with a fine
was selected at mid-term to prepare for turn of pace. Conal Boland and
the cup campaign. These 21 players Ronan White provided an excellent
from that time until the cup final centre combination. Ronan, a fine
showed an incredible level of com- footballer, was a tremendous creator
mitment, dedication and skill. The of opportunities and a fine support
team had a run of 17 matches from 8th player. He was also one of the best
October until the first cup match on tacklers on the team. Conal, a decisive
February 2nd. They were defeated only and determined runner with the ball
once in this period (by Pres. Bray). and solid in defence, was a survivor