Page 77 - The Gonzaga Record 1989
P. 77
The Juniors, in the 2nd round, drew Junior Team·
3-3 with Belfast Royal Academy, pre- Leinster and All-Ireland Champions:
serving their 1 Y2 point lead - the Alan Peart Philip Comerford
Minors had a bye, there being no Mark Quinn Feilim Clear
Munster Minor team. And so to the Shane Lee Francis Sweeney
last round: after 2 Y2 hours' play, the
outlook was decidedly black for Minor Team:
Gonzaga, the Juniors contriving to All-Ireland Champions, Leinster 2nd:
lose to the bottom-ranked Green- William Mulligan Kenneth Sheeran
mount team from Cork. The Minors, John Kennedy Brendan Cooney
with a 1-point lead over Methody, Eoin O'Brien John Carroll
shivered and cracked, squandering
several favourable positions. With the Leinster Under 19 Champion:
final minutes ticking away, William John Mclnerney
Mulligan's opponent on Board One
played a move which will haunt him to School Champion (Senior):
his grave, and William needed no Mark Quinn, Sen. 1
second bite! Gonzaga - Minor All-
Ireland Champions! School Champion (Prep.)
Scarcely had we digested this, than John-Paul O'Leary (Prep. 4)
the Junior Match suddenly swung our
way, Shane Lee securing a vital draw Gerrard Murphy
on Board 3. Gonzaga - Junior All-
lreland champions! A day to remem-
The visiting teams were loud in their TENNIS NOTES
praises of the facilities offered at
Gonzaga, particularly the splendid
lunch served by the Chess mothers on Although the ultimate prize of a
the Saturday, for which our sincere Leinster Cup eluded us for the second
thanks. year in a row, 1989 was nonetheless a
The year was marked by two out- very successful year. Gonzaga were
standing individual performances: runners-up in the Junior Cup and
John Mclnerney became Leinster semi-finalists in the Senior and Minor
Senior Champion in a tough tourna- Cups.
ment at Christmas, and Mark Quinn The Junior competition had a new
broke all previous records to become format that proved both popular and
the only First-¥ear to win the School intriguing. Having lost to Bel vedere
Championship, defeating Denis and Terenure by 3-2 we still managed
Cusack in the last round. to qualify for the semi-final through
wins over Clongowes and St Michael's.
Footnote: As a result of the out- Through a solid doubles win by
standing performances in the All- Donough Molloy and John Sweetman,
Ireland, Gonzaga were invited to the a very comprehensive win by Connor
annual Marlwood Tournament at Smith and a courageous 3-set win by
Clifton College, Bristol, in October. David McLaughlin, we beat Terenure

1988-1989 in the Semi-final. Unfortunately
Senior Teams: Blackrock were too strong in the final.
Leinster Champions and All-Ireland The Senior Team beat C.U.S. Il,
2nd: Newbridge and St Gerard's en route to
John Mclnerney Julian Morgan the semi-final where they met a for-
Stephen Higgins Ossian Smyth midable St Michael's Team , who won
David Carthy Brian Kennedy 4-0 and went on to win the Senior Cup
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