Page 88 - The Gonzaga Record 1986
P. 88
Past v Present.

Past v Present.

Deane; M. Lennon; C. O'Brien; A. imagined that the Gonzaga juniors
Donovan; D. Ridge; A. O'Keeffe; P. were to enjoy a most successful run in
Kennedy; E. McGeough; B. Keogh; J. the Cup. A string of bad results
O'Callaghan. (notably against Pres. Bray to whom
Subs: C. O'Connell for C. O'Brien. they lost by 40 points) dampened the
pre-season optimism.
Donal Bolger However, coming up to the Christ-
mas break, the side started to play
really good rugby, particularly against
JUNIOR RUGBY Gerard's (a 28-4 victory), St Michael's
(4-4 draw); and Clongowes (4-0 vict-
During the early stages of this year's ory). The juniors trained hard over
rugby season no one would have the Christmas and the rewards of this
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