Page 84 - The Gonzaga Record 1986
P. 84
ing of the choruses and those acting, positively oozed menace as the Kral-
on the night, along with the changing ahome - the sinister power behind the
of the scenery, they perform a role of throne.
vital importance, although they them- David Staveley put on his best Scots
selves are rarely seen by the audience. accent to portray captain Orton;
Mr Murphy, for the eleventh year Ciaran Twomey (M.P.N.C.S.) waltzed
running, succeeded in orgamsmg, elegantly around in the guise of Sir
producing, directing, etc. the opera. Edward Ramsey; Killian Morris as an
With this annual event, he has not interpreter had epileptic fits on stage,
only created a Gonzaga tradition, but knocking over microphones in an orgy
also an integral part of the school year, of destructive violence. Mind you this
contributing greatly to the enjoyment was capped by David Kennedy and
and development of all involved. With- Aaron Herriott, who reinvented the
out the opera, there would be an irre- pendulum by hitting a hanging micro-
placeable vacuum in the chool. phone with a whip. Far less obstrusive
were Frank Colgan (as a truly angelic
lain Donovan (S.5) priest) and Killian Laher (a Royal
Backstage, keeping all this going,
were Colm Cox and Derry Rooney.
Sound and emergency microphone
restoration were provided by Karl
It started on a dull Tuesday in late
September, when a delegation from Sweeney, under the direction of RTE's
Muckross arrived seeking strong backs Myles Neylin. Niall Bennett, Niall
and weak minds to make themselves O'Doherty and Barry Doherty provi-
ded the incredibly brilliant lighting.
available for a forthcoming production
of the musical 'The King and 1'. Strong The whole proceedings were captured
backs are thin on the ground in Gon- on a video, which is rumoured to be in
zaga, but nevertheless dozens of peo- a secret vault somewhere in Muckross.
ple volunteered. A vigorous weeding
process passed only those of 'sound Barry Doherty (S.4A)
mind and pleasing disposition' (in Fr
Barber's phrase).
The Muckross production dispensed SENIOR RUGBY 1985-86
with such out-date notions as dress
rehearsals, scripts, accurate program- In the balmy days of September 1985,
mes, the Protection of Young Persons with the Indian summer at its height,
(Employment) Act 1977, etc. Despite it was a hopeful and lively Senior
this, after heroic efforts on behalf of panel that togged out for that annual
all concerned, the production was fin- exercise - the dreaded first training
ally knocked into shape under the session. It was a productive afternoon
forceful direction of Ms Treasa Davi- with Mr Jimmy Davidson, the Ulster
son. coach, putting us through our paces
Who, then, was involved? Apart on the new scrummaging machine.
from a thousand Muckross persons With Mr Whirdy away, Mr Byrne, the
(who seemed to feel that it was their UCD Captain, took over forward
opera) most prominent in the public coaching duties, and after a few
eye was Feilim Gormley as the distress- more practices under his and Mr
ingly chauvinistic King. The Twentieth McCarthy's tutelage, it was into battle
Century Pox himself, Ray MacDonnell with Kings Hospital.
provided Romantic Interest(?) as a With their customary brawn, the
certain Lun Tha. Brendan Donlon King's Hospital forwards duly despat-
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