Page 85 - The Gonzaga Record 1986
P. 85
ched Gonzaga by 33 pts to 6, though proved in vain as the auld enemy, Bel-
despite the score, the team gave a reas- vedere, triumphed despite a spirited
onably good performance. Problems comeback. De la Salle, were compre-
in the front row became apparent in hensive winners (31-0) in the next
this game, however, and they led to the match and this was a foretaste of what
next encounter against Pres Bray being was to come with disappointing losses
cancelled, for reasons of safety. to the anonymous High School and St.
Soon after this the team suffered a Michael's. The 10-6 win over St
major reversal, when scrum-half and Clements of Cannaught provided the
captain Mark l..ennon collided with only consolation to the war-weary
another player in training. The resul- players before the customary break (if
ting facial injuries kept the captain one can call it that!) for Christmas
sidelined for a lengthy spell. The training.
injury problem was later compounded Despite Herculean efforts over
as stalwart prop Conn O'Brien broke a Christmas the team succumbed to the
thumb. gloating Belvederians {0-12) after
The first team was continuing on its losing by four points to the eminently
rough and rocky ways losing in a spir- beatable Templeogue. What was needed
ited match to St Gerard's Bray. There now was confidence, and the team
was a distinct improvement in this showed enough of this to see off St
match and this bore fruit when Gon- Pauls 27-7. After being steamrolled by
zaga beat St Pauls 27-7, in the next Wesleys big pack, the now almost
fixture. settled cup team took some solace in a
The l..einster schoolboy selectors 31-0 victory over St Conleths. The next
were out viewing the crop of aspirant time it was for real.
Leinster players. Seven Gonzaga
players got a first l..einster trial, three
a second but only second-row Jim
O'Callaghan survived to play twice for The Senior Cup Match
l..einster. He also was named as a
substitute in the schoolboys inter- One felt that before the encounter with
national trial. Terenure in the cup that win, lose, or
Meanwhile the team recorded a re- draw, there was spirit enough within
sounding 21-9 victory over Templeogue, the team to give a good account of
with four excellent tries. This was themselves.
followed by a rather scrappy victory With Jim O'Callaghan dominant in
over St Andrews, but, a win is a win! the lineout and Seamus Devitt impecc-
One felt that the team was now begin- able at full-back, Gonzaga stormed
ning to work together as one, and the out into the attack from the start.
next match demonstrated this. Al- Following a beautifully executed Mr
though losing to St Munchins, every- McCarthy set move, Gonzaga pressur-
body gave a very creditable perfor- ised Terenure early on. Terenure replied
mance, despite the host school's but their attacks foundered on resolute
strong-arm tactics. Exasperation was Gonzaga tackling, and this was a feat-
the general reaction to the following ure of the game. A lose ball from a
Saturday's match as Garbally, Ciaran lineout was pounced on by a Terenure
Fitzgerald's alma mater, held us to a flanker for an opportunist try against
0-0 draw on a quagmire of a pitch. the run of play. Gonzaga were not to
This was quickly forgotten as Gon- be subdued as Adam O'Keeffe charged
zaga pipped C.B.C. Monkstown 28-25 up field following a well worked two-
(four tries) in a high scoring game. The man line out. Gonzaga looked to be
annual pilgrimage to Jones' Road gaining ground, but a well timed entry
despite the score, the team gave a reas- vedere, triumphed despite a spirited
onably good performance. Problems comeback. De la Salle, were compre-
in the front row became apparent in hensive winners (31-0) in the next
this game, however, and they led to the match and this was a foretaste of what
next encounter against Pres Bray being was to come with disappointing losses
cancelled, for reasons of safety. to the anonymous High School and St.
Soon after this the team suffered a Michael's. The 10-6 win over St
major reversal, when scrum-half and Clements of Cannaught provided the
captain Mark l..ennon collided with only consolation to the war-weary
another player in training. The resul- players before the customary break (if
ting facial injuries kept the captain one can call it that!) for Christmas
sidelined for a lengthy spell. The training.
injury problem was later compounded Despite Herculean efforts over
as stalwart prop Conn O'Brien broke a Christmas the team succumbed to the
thumb. gloating Belvederians {0-12) after
The first team was continuing on its losing by four points to the eminently
rough and rocky ways losing in a spir- beatable Templeogue. What was needed
ited match to St Gerard's Bray. There now was confidence, and the team
was a distinct improvement in this showed enough of this to see off St
match and this bore fruit when Gon- Pauls 27-7. After being steamrolled by
zaga beat St Pauls 27-7, in the next Wesleys big pack, the now almost
fixture. settled cup team took some solace in a
The l..einster schoolboy selectors 31-0 victory over St Conleths. The next
were out viewing the crop of aspirant time it was for real.
Leinster players. Seven Gonzaga
players got a first l..einster trial, three
a second but only second-row Jim
O'Callaghan survived to play twice for The Senior Cup Match
l..einster. He also was named as a
substitute in the schoolboys inter- One felt that before the encounter with
national trial. Terenure in the cup that win, lose, or
Meanwhile the team recorded a re- draw, there was spirit enough within
sounding 21-9 victory over Templeogue, the team to give a good account of
with four excellent tries. This was themselves.
followed by a rather scrappy victory With Jim O'Callaghan dominant in
over St Andrews, but, a win is a win! the lineout and Seamus Devitt impecc-
One felt that the team was now begin- able at full-back, Gonzaga stormed
ning to work together as one, and the out into the attack from the start.
next match demonstrated this. Al- Following a beautifully executed Mr
though losing to St Munchins, every- McCarthy set move, Gonzaga pressur-
body gave a very creditable perfor- ised Terenure early on. Terenure replied
mance, despite the host school's but their attacks foundered on resolute
strong-arm tactics. Exasperation was Gonzaga tackling, and this was a feat-
the general reaction to the following ure of the game. A lose ball from a
Saturday's match as Garbally, Ciaran lineout was pounced on by a Terenure
Fitzgerald's alma mater, held us to a flanker for an opportunist try against
0-0 draw on a quagmire of a pitch. the run of play. Gonzaga were not to
This was quickly forgotten as Gon- be subdued as Adam O'Keeffe charged
zaga pipped C.B.C. Monkstown 28-25 up field following a well worked two-
(four tries) in a high scoring game. The man line out. Gonzaga looked to be
annual pilgrimage to Jones' Road gaining ground, but a well timed entry