Page 93 - The Gonzaga Record 1986
P. 93
Combined Tennis Teams.
He becomes the first player to win the
cup three years running. The Prep School Religious Education
programme attempts to combine relig-
School Champion: Denis Cusack ious studies, liturgical celebration, and
Prep. School Champion: Philip some form of social action. It is not
Comerford easy to find a social project amenable
Leinster Senior Champions: Gonzaga to the understanding and relevant to
Leinster Junior Champions: Gonzaga the experience of the primary school
child. This year's focus was on the
G. Murphy Irish Wheelchair Association.
The boys demonstrated a keen aware-
ness of the difficulties faced by wheel-
TENNIS chair patients; especially the limitat-
ions on mobility caused by unsuffic-
The Senior Team won the Inter ient ramping of public facilities. Many
Schools Challenge Cup once again. pupils exercised admirable initiative
Gonzaga College has now won the and imagination in raising money
Cup three times in a row, and won it through sponsored activities and col-
five times in the last six years. In the lections for wheelchair users. One Prep
final, Gonzaga beat St Aiden's. We 2 boy organised a book sale which
commiserate with St. Aiden's who had yielded £20. The boys accumulated
to contest their first final without their £638 in the week before Christmas.
No. 1 player Eoin Casey who was ill. A Lenten collection for Trocaire was
The old campaigners Sean Molloy also made, as well as contributions to
and Gavin Blake overcame stern chal- the Fifth Year project.
lenges in guiding the team to victory. While the boys contributed from
Two young men, Kevin O'Brien and their own pocket money, much of the
Connor Smith, had a particularly busy success of these collections is due to
time as they played on all three teams. the generosity and involvement of the
Both the Juniors and the Minors did parents. The College greatly apprecia-
very well in reaching their respective ted such efforts.
finals. They lost to strong Blackrock
College teams in both finals. Daniel McNelis
He becomes the first player to win the
cup three years running. The Prep School Religious Education
programme attempts to combine relig-
School Champion: Denis Cusack ious studies, liturgical celebration, and
Prep. School Champion: Philip some form of social action. It is not
Comerford easy to find a social project amenable
Leinster Senior Champions: Gonzaga to the understanding and relevant to
Leinster Junior Champions: Gonzaga the experience of the primary school
child. This year's focus was on the
G. Murphy Irish Wheelchair Association.
The boys demonstrated a keen aware-
ness of the difficulties faced by wheel-
TENNIS chair patients; especially the limitat-
ions on mobility caused by unsuffic-
The Senior Team won the Inter ient ramping of public facilities. Many
Schools Challenge Cup once again. pupils exercised admirable initiative
Gonzaga College has now won the and imagination in raising money
Cup three times in a row, and won it through sponsored activities and col-
five times in the last six years. In the lections for wheelchair users. One Prep
final, Gonzaga beat St Aiden's. We 2 boy organised a book sale which
commiserate with St. Aiden's who had yielded £20. The boys accumulated
to contest their first final without their £638 in the week before Christmas.
No. 1 player Eoin Casey who was ill. A Lenten collection for Trocaire was
The old campaigners Sean Molloy also made, as well as contributions to
and Gavin Blake overcame stern chal- the Fifth Year project.
lenges in guiding the team to victory. While the boys contributed from
Two young men, Kevin O'Brien and their own pocket money, much of the
Connor Smith, had a particularly busy success of these collections is due to
time as they played on all three teams. the generosity and involvement of the
Both the Juniors and the Minors did parents. The College greatly apprecia-
very well in reaching their respective ted such efforts.
finals. They lost to strong Blackrock
College teams in both finals. Daniel McNelis