Page 77 - The Gonzaga Record 1990
P. 77
Ireland'. Everyone then bedded, feeling arrived back about an hour earlier than
like they had M.E. anticipated. Round the side of the school
The following day everybody woke up a game of soccer was played. An hour
with a minor cramp but kept to their later everyone drowsily returned home.
promi e. We set off. but unfortunately Once again the school became silent.
we arrived in the worst of conditions. We Overall, I felt that people who would
walked up through a stony green field and normally be enemies to me were very
topp d at a group of trees for two nice and friendly on this trip and that
minute . We set off again. friendliness lasted when we all returned
to school. This trip was a marvellous
Oriemeering in Wicklow experience. We all got to know mother
We began to climb our second mountain, nature better and, most important, to
the Sugarloaf, and we started to feel know ourselves better.
drizzle. Unfortunately, when we reached Our thanks to Fr Moylan, Mr
flat land, we were caught in torrential O'Higgins, Mr Farrell, Anne Carpenter,
rain, possibly something near to a Kenneth Magee (of 5th Year) who
blizzard, except that there was no snow. worked so hard to give us such a good
For what seemed like days (but was in time. The special award for kindness,
fact 2 Vz hours) we walked through all good humour and energy goes to Kenneth
this. Magee, a true mountaineer.
Then, miraculously, the clouds left and
the sky opened to reveal its glistening Barry Cunnane (S.2)
blue colour. We stopped for lunch. Those
who had previously been wet and
miserable now began to dry up. After
much scoffing and the throwing away of CHESS 1989-90
bio-degradable food we left for Church
Mountain. In the days of the Penal laws The School Chess Championship was
Mass was held on the top. There is now held in September for the fir st time, May
only the ruins of an old stone church. having become an impossibility for 6th
Many people sighed with happiness, Years. This meant that reigning
seeing a place to rest. We set off, through Champion, Mark Quinn, already the
what reminded me of a Kansas youngest Champion ever in lst Year, was
wheatfield. After a long field walk we forced to defend hi s title, after onl y 4
arrived on the main road again which we months, from a horde of hungry and
stuck to until we arrived at Donard where vengeful opponents. This he dul y did,
we filled our bellies and updated our winning the decisive encounters with
supplies of food. David Murray and Deni s Cusack
The weather held and as the light was convincingly, to retain hi s titl e. (He was ,
dimming we arrived at the hostel, where perhaps, fortunate not to encoun te r the
we heard Mass. The night was calmer as 3rd staff member . . . )
everybody knew what to do. This time, And so to Bristol. On fo ot of the All -
most people got a serious piece to Ireland Double in 1989, we had been
perform for us and in the end Fr Moylan invited to the Marlwood Briti sh Schools
did some Irish dancing to a tape-recorder. Tournament in October. We set off on
Then we played a theatre game in which Friday, 13 October (no superstition
murder was involved. here!) with a team of 12, plus two
We bedded earlier this time. In the substitutes. On Saturday morning there
morning, after a quiet breakfast we began two days of concentrated chess, 7
waited for our leaders. Eventually we rounds in all , with 29 schools from
boarded the coach after a quick cheerio England, Scotland, Wales and Northern
to Mr & Mrs Mann, the Wardens. We Ireland competing. On Sunday evening,
like they had M.E. anticipated. Round the side of the school
The following day everybody woke up a game of soccer was played. An hour
with a minor cramp but kept to their later everyone drowsily returned home.
promi e. We set off. but unfortunately Once again the school became silent.
we arrived in the worst of conditions. We Overall, I felt that people who would
walked up through a stony green field and normally be enemies to me were very
topp d at a group of trees for two nice and friendly on this trip and that
minute . We set off again. friendliness lasted when we all returned
to school. This trip was a marvellous
Oriemeering in Wicklow experience. We all got to know mother
We began to climb our second mountain, nature better and, most important, to
the Sugarloaf, and we started to feel know ourselves better.
drizzle. Unfortunately, when we reached Our thanks to Fr Moylan, Mr
flat land, we were caught in torrential O'Higgins, Mr Farrell, Anne Carpenter,
rain, possibly something near to a Kenneth Magee (of 5th Year) who
blizzard, except that there was no snow. worked so hard to give us such a good
For what seemed like days (but was in time. The special award for kindness,
fact 2 Vz hours) we walked through all good humour and energy goes to Kenneth
this. Magee, a true mountaineer.
Then, miraculously, the clouds left and
the sky opened to reveal its glistening Barry Cunnane (S.2)
blue colour. We stopped for lunch. Those
who had previously been wet and
miserable now began to dry up. After
much scoffing and the throwing away of CHESS 1989-90
bio-degradable food we left for Church
Mountain. In the days of the Penal laws The School Chess Championship was
Mass was held on the top. There is now held in September for the fir st time, May
only the ruins of an old stone church. having become an impossibility for 6th
Many people sighed with happiness, Years. This meant that reigning
seeing a place to rest. We set off, through Champion, Mark Quinn, already the
what reminded me of a Kansas youngest Champion ever in lst Year, was
wheatfield. After a long field walk we forced to defend hi s title, after onl y 4
arrived on the main road again which we months, from a horde of hungry and
stuck to until we arrived at Donard where vengeful opponents. This he dul y did,
we filled our bellies and updated our winning the decisive encounters with
supplies of food. David Murray and Deni s Cusack
The weather held and as the light was convincingly, to retain hi s titl e. (He was ,
dimming we arrived at the hostel, where perhaps, fortunate not to encoun te r the
we heard Mass. The night was calmer as 3rd staff member . . . )
everybody knew what to do. This time, And so to Bristol. On fo ot of the All -
most people got a serious piece to Ireland Double in 1989, we had been
perform for us and in the end Fr Moylan invited to the Marlwood Briti sh Schools
did some Irish dancing to a tape-recorder. Tournament in October. We set off on
Then we played a theatre game in which Friday, 13 October (no superstition
murder was involved. here!) with a team of 12, plus two
We bedded earlier this time. In the substitutes. On Saturday morning there
morning, after a quiet breakfast we began two days of concentrated chess, 7
waited for our leaders. Eventually we rounds in all , with 29 schools from
boarded the coach after a quick cheerio England, Scotland, Wales and Northern
to Mr & Mrs Mann, the Wardens. We Ireland competing. On Sunday evening,