Page 74 - The Gonzaga Record 1990
P. 74
proporti onal to the effort you put into the This year of great change has given
week, and where every individual's hope to many victims of human ri ghts
effort s and personality are respected and abuse (among them President Vaclav
appreciated by steward s, staff and Have! of Czechoslovakia) but it also
children alike. There are many other brings new challenges. Most countries
experi ences unique to Sunshine House, (including Ireland) are guilty of some
but I cannot I ist them all , or try to trap human rights violations. Amnesty offers
th em on a page. If thi s pi ece ha s whet a chance to make a difference on a world
your appetite for more, confused you, or scale and a vision of justice and
left you scepti cal and wanting proof or fellowship which we should all support.
oth er options, why not contact th e
st ud ent s li sted above, or better still ring Peter Martin (S.5)
the Nicholas St Conference at 540317,
540319 on a Tuesday or Wednesday
evenin g aft er 8 p.m. and as k for
informati on. If you want a leisurely
holid ay or a 'doss' for a week - forget
it! Sun shine is not for the faint -hea rted!! LA VIE EN FRANCE
As Fr Kcane might say " Non fugis hin c (3 rd Year Exchange Programme)
praeceps, dum praecipitare potestas?
('Why not haste sw iftl y hence, while th ou Thirty-eight 3rd Years arri ved in Dublin
has t power to 11 y? ').
airport. The majority we re both anxious
yet optimi st ic th at their stay in Lyon
A ran Marcc ( 1987)
would be both enj oyable and profitable
from an educati onal point of view. We
boarded th e Mincrva plane and had an
enj oyable fli ght. We were accompani ed
AMNESTY by Ms Nevin and Mr Ryan (C. U .S.
We were greeted by our exchanges at
Amnesty Int ernational is a non-political Lyon Airport. It is onl y as I saw my
group wh ich campai gns for human ri ght s friends depart with their French families
worldwide. Amnesty is now in it s fourth and I with mine that realit y dawned on
year in th e school and has ex tend ed it s me; I was to spend three weeks with
membership to inclu de all applicant s strangers, eating strange food, wa tching
from third to sixth year. The group has foreign telev ision and speaking a
been a suc cess despite errati c member- sophi sticated and demanding foreign
ship and somewhat sporadic lett er language. It was an uphill struggle but
writi ng. In th e last year lett ers were one I felt ab le to cope with.
written to (among oth ers) th e U.S.S.R., Our fir st clay in Lyon coi ncided with
Colombia. Greece, Morocco. China and the las t clay or term for our exchanges,
th e US/\. There is no bias in vo lved in we therefore spent one morning at sc hool
choosing which cases wil l be dealt with and tou red the city in th e aftern oon. We
and no member is forced to tak e up a were not to sec sc hool aga in until our
spec i fi e case . final three days in France. Some boys
The group also staged a producti on of found the experience at sc hool enj oyable:
llcnrik Ihse n 's " J\n Enemy of the for all or us it was definitely a worthwhile
Peo ple" which . thanks to Mr Regan's experience. The sc hool was much
hrill1ant direction and Nicholas Dcv lin 's different to Gonzaga: the teachers seemed
powerful performance in the lead ro le. distant and the school building was ugly
raised 0 05. This 111oney will assist and cold and it lacked the culture and
J\ illlll 'sty in their work . scenery or Gonzaga .
week, and where every individual's hope to many victims of human ri ghts
effort s and personality are respected and abuse (among them President Vaclav
appreciated by steward s, staff and Have! of Czechoslovakia) but it also
children alike. There are many other brings new challenges. Most countries
experi ences unique to Sunshine House, (including Ireland) are guilty of some
but I cannot I ist them all , or try to trap human rights violations. Amnesty offers
th em on a page. If thi s pi ece ha s whet a chance to make a difference on a world
your appetite for more, confused you, or scale and a vision of justice and
left you scepti cal and wanting proof or fellowship which we should all support.
oth er options, why not contact th e
st ud ent s li sted above, or better still ring Peter Martin (S.5)
the Nicholas St Conference at 540317,
540319 on a Tuesday or Wednesday
evenin g aft er 8 p.m. and as k for
informati on. If you want a leisurely
holid ay or a 'doss' for a week - forget
it! Sun shine is not for the faint -hea rted!! LA VIE EN FRANCE
As Fr Kcane might say " Non fugis hin c (3 rd Year Exchange Programme)
praeceps, dum praecipitare potestas?
('Why not haste sw iftl y hence, while th ou Thirty-eight 3rd Years arri ved in Dublin
has t power to 11 y? ').
airport. The majority we re both anxious
yet optimi st ic th at their stay in Lyon
A ran Marcc ( 1987)
would be both enj oyable and profitable
from an educati onal point of view. We
boarded th e Mincrva plane and had an
enj oyable fli ght. We were accompani ed
AMNESTY by Ms Nevin and Mr Ryan (C. U .S.
We were greeted by our exchanges at
Amnesty Int ernational is a non-political Lyon Airport. It is onl y as I saw my
group wh ich campai gns for human ri ght s friends depart with their French families
worldwide. Amnesty is now in it s fourth and I with mine that realit y dawned on
year in th e school and has ex tend ed it s me; I was to spend three weeks with
membership to inclu de all applicant s strangers, eating strange food, wa tching
from third to sixth year. The group has foreign telev ision and speaking a
been a suc cess despite errati c member- sophi sticated and demanding foreign
ship and somewhat sporadic lett er language. It was an uphill struggle but
writi ng. In th e last year lett ers were one I felt ab le to cope with.
written to (among oth ers) th e U.S.S.R., Our fir st clay in Lyon coi ncided with
Colombia. Greece, Morocco. China and the las t clay or term for our exchanges,
th e US/\. There is no bias in vo lved in we therefore spent one morning at sc hool
choosing which cases wil l be dealt with and tou red the city in th e aftern oon. We
and no member is forced to tak e up a were not to sec sc hool aga in until our
spec i fi e case . final three days in France. Some boys
The group also staged a producti on of found the experience at sc hool enj oyable:
llcnrik Ihse n 's " J\n Enemy of the for all or us it was definitely a worthwhile
Peo ple" which . thanks to Mr Regan's experience. The sc hool was much
hrill1ant direction and Nicholas Dcv lin 's different to Gonzaga: the teachers seemed
powerful performance in the lead ro le. distant and the school building was ugly
raised 0 05. This 111oney will assist and cold and it lacked the culture and
J\ illlll 'sty in their work . scenery or Gonzaga .