Page 75 - The Gonzaga Record 1990
P. 75
During the Ea t r holiday many Irish Anne Carpenter, who was experienced in
tudent 1 ft Lyon. Many went to the ski mountain safety. It was unfortunate that
re ort in the Ma if Central. I went to we had to start walking in drizzle, but Fr
Brittany and spent my time playing Moylan had told us the trip wasn't going
tennis. golf and visiting many French to be a bunch of roses.
re taurants. The food was. in general, We stopped after about twenty minutes
appeti ing and delicious. However, I still of walking up a steep, rocky path and
longed for my Sunday roast and the took shelter underneath a cluster of trees.
company that came with it. After twenty minutes we walked on
The tandard of my French improved again. This time, however, the weather
considerably in the three weeks away. improved, and the walk got somewhat
The majority of the boys seemed to enjoy easier.
their 'holiday'. Thankfully there were no Roughly after about one hour of
major mishaps. 'walking and stopping' we halted at an
I would like to take this opportunity to apparent cui-de-sac, where our four
thank Ms Nevin for making our trip a leaders deserted us for about fi ve
happy and worthwhile experience. minutes. We set off again. This time 'the
rough stuff' started. We had to hop
Peter Naughton (S.5A) through a swamp thick with mud before
we reached a river. The whole cl ass
eventually crossed and we started th e
tricky long and slippery climb up our fic st
EASTER TOUR mountain, Mount Lybagh. We stopped at
IN WICKLOW two rocks near the top where a number
of photos were taken. About half an hour
It was a fairly mild April morning with later we finally reached what we thought
a grey sky and drizzle in the air. I arrived was the top. However, the walk uphill
at the school about twenty minutes past continued. Eventually we stopped in what
ten after a hectic morning which had now turned to rain.
consisted of making sandwiches and We guzzled away hungrily until Fr
throwing meals together. I counted at Moylan set off again. When the weather
least half of my class (Senior 2) and cleared we found ourselves at an army
nearly half of 2A. barracks and then in a field of dead sheep
After about ten minutes of excited which led out onto the main road. We
chatter, Fr Moylan stepped forward and walked about seven 'Fr Moylan miles'!
introduced Mr Kevin O'Higgins and (l Fr Moylan Mile = 2.5 miles), until
Kenneth Magee (5th Year) who had come nightfall and we arrived back about nine
to assist us. He then told us that Mr Sean o'clock after making only one stop at a
Farrell would be waiting for us at the pub for some food.
hostel. We deposited our luggage at the We had a peaceful Mass back at the
back of the coach and boarded it. hostel (for about 10 people asleep). Then
Everyone who could, got a seat, the pleasure of making our own meals
flopped, relieved to have the stress of began. It wasn't very hard to get ones
preparing behind them, and determined hands on a pan, but finding space was a
to enjoy themselves, started to read, play different matter. Exhausted after the
computer games or have little games of wash-up we sat down for a ni ght of
noughts and crosses on the windows. entertainment. About ten peopl e had
These activities helped us pass the time. decent solo pieces to perform. About
We arrived at the hostel shortly before three-quarters of those gathered took pat1
noon where we left our main luggage and in a disastrous rap. But then, 'the hot-
prepared ourselves for the coming day. shot' of the night came. Fr Moylan sang
We then picked up an extra hand, Mrs a heavenly song about ' Dear Old
tudent 1 ft Lyon. Many went to the ski mountain safety. It was unfortunate that
re ort in the Ma if Central. I went to we had to start walking in drizzle, but Fr
Brittany and spent my time playing Moylan had told us the trip wasn't going
tennis. golf and visiting many French to be a bunch of roses.
re taurants. The food was. in general, We stopped after about twenty minutes
appeti ing and delicious. However, I still of walking up a steep, rocky path and
longed for my Sunday roast and the took shelter underneath a cluster of trees.
company that came with it. After twenty minutes we walked on
The tandard of my French improved again. This time, however, the weather
considerably in the three weeks away. improved, and the walk got somewhat
The majority of the boys seemed to enjoy easier.
their 'holiday'. Thankfully there were no Roughly after about one hour of
major mishaps. 'walking and stopping' we halted at an
I would like to take this opportunity to apparent cui-de-sac, where our four
thank Ms Nevin for making our trip a leaders deserted us for about fi ve
happy and worthwhile experience. minutes. We set off again. This time 'the
rough stuff' started. We had to hop
Peter Naughton (S.5A) through a swamp thick with mud before
we reached a river. The whole cl ass
eventually crossed and we started th e
tricky long and slippery climb up our fic st
EASTER TOUR mountain, Mount Lybagh. We stopped at
IN WICKLOW two rocks near the top where a number
of photos were taken. About half an hour
It was a fairly mild April morning with later we finally reached what we thought
a grey sky and drizzle in the air. I arrived was the top. However, the walk uphill
at the school about twenty minutes past continued. Eventually we stopped in what
ten after a hectic morning which had now turned to rain.
consisted of making sandwiches and We guzzled away hungrily until Fr
throwing meals together. I counted at Moylan set off again. When the weather
least half of my class (Senior 2) and cleared we found ourselves at an army
nearly half of 2A. barracks and then in a field of dead sheep
After about ten minutes of excited which led out onto the main road. We
chatter, Fr Moylan stepped forward and walked about seven 'Fr Moylan miles'!
introduced Mr Kevin O'Higgins and (l Fr Moylan Mile = 2.5 miles), until
Kenneth Magee (5th Year) who had come nightfall and we arrived back about nine
to assist us. He then told us that Mr Sean o'clock after making only one stop at a
Farrell would be waiting for us at the pub for some food.
hostel. We deposited our luggage at the We had a peaceful Mass back at the
back of the coach and boarded it. hostel (for about 10 people asleep). Then
Everyone who could, got a seat, the pleasure of making our own meals
flopped, relieved to have the stress of began. It wasn't very hard to get ones
preparing behind them, and determined hands on a pan, but finding space was a
to enjoy themselves, started to read, play different matter. Exhausted after the
computer games or have little games of wash-up we sat down for a ni ght of
noughts and crosses on the windows. entertainment. About ten peopl e had
These activities helped us pass the time. decent solo pieces to perform. About
We arrived at the hostel shortly before three-quarters of those gathered took pat1
noon where we left our main luggage and in a disastrous rap. But then, 'the hot-
prepared ourselves for the coming day. shot' of the night came. Fr Moylan sang
We then picked up an extra hand, Mrs a heavenly song about ' Dear Old