Page 65 - The Gonzaga Record 1988
P. 65
Back: A. Toner, D. McLaughlin, D. Molloy, K. O'Brien, C. Smith, D. Fassbender.
Cenrre: A. Jack'>on, D. Fall--ncr, P. aughton, S. O'Buachalla, /\. J\1anin, J. :\lullo),
N. Conlon.
f-rolll: :--1. O'Sulli1an, J. 1\lorgan, 1\lr. D. Keenahan. l'vlr. R. 13) rne, 1\1. Doran,
F. Colgan.
from St Michael's. Unfortunately for Amongst the new developments this
St Michael's their talented No I had to year was a well-organised coaching
concede his match through injury. programme for Prep 2 and Prep 3
Michael Doran and Kevin O'Brien during the third term. Prep I was
won the crucial doubles for the team introduced to Short Tennis on new
to qualify for the semi-final by 4-3. mini-courts constructed on the play-
In the semi-final, Clongowes led 3-1 ground. Prep 4 played friendly
after the singles. Gonzaga had ~ecured matches with Sandford Park and
the third doubles at this stage. The King's Hospital.
climax of the match was two keenly A splendid innovation this year was
contested doubles, both of which the Computerised Ranking Lists, cour-
Gonzaga needed for victory. Both were tesy of Fr John Dunne SJ. This was of
thrilling 3-setters, but alas, both 1vere great assistance in tennis administra-
lost. tion and a popular development.
It is one of the great strengths of the The Past v Present match took place
sport in the College that so man~ past in glorious sunshine on 7 May. It pro-
pupils give generously of their time duced, as it often does, the highest
and talent in playing with the Senior standard of tennis played in the
Team at practice throughout April and College annually.
May. \\'e thank them and look forward
to their continuing support.
. .,
( ) . )
Back: A. Toner, D. McLaughlin, D. Molloy, K. O'Brien, C. Smith, D. Fassbender.
Cenrre: A. Jack'>on, D. Fall--ncr, P. aughton, S. O'Buachalla, /\. J\1anin, J. :\lullo),
N. Conlon.
f-rolll: :--1. O'Sulli1an, J. 1\lorgan, 1\lr. D. Keenahan. l'vlr. R. 13) rne, 1\1. Doran,
F. Colgan.
from St Michael's. Unfortunately for Amongst the new developments this
St Michael's their talented No I had to year was a well-organised coaching
concede his match through injury. programme for Prep 2 and Prep 3
Michael Doran and Kevin O'Brien during the third term. Prep I was
won the crucial doubles for the team introduced to Short Tennis on new
to qualify for the semi-final by 4-3. mini-courts constructed on the play-
In the semi-final, Clongowes led 3-1 ground. Prep 4 played friendly
after the singles. Gonzaga had ~ecured matches with Sandford Park and
the third doubles at this stage. The King's Hospital.
climax of the match was two keenly A splendid innovation this year was
contested doubles, both of which the Computerised Ranking Lists, cour-
Gonzaga needed for victory. Both were tesy of Fr John Dunne SJ. This was of
thrilling 3-setters, but alas, both 1vere great assistance in tennis administra-
lost. tion and a popular development.
It is one of the great strengths of the The Past v Present match took place
sport in the College that so man~ past in glorious sunshine on 7 May. It pro-
pupils give generously of their time duced, as it often does, the highest
and talent in playing with the Senior standard of tennis played in the
Team at practice throughout April and College annually.
May. \\'e thank them and look forward
to their continuing support.
. .,
( ) . )