Page 62 - The Gonzaga Record 1988
P. 62
that of the cup matches themselves. fought well and earned the regard of
Such a performance meant morale was many. With such a reserve of young
high heading into Christmas training. players, we can now look forward to
And so, the Green XV took the field next season's campaign with a very
at Danum on 8 February for their positive attitude and hope that our
second round match against a strong Lansdowne dream will become a
St Gerard's team. A large crowd saw reality.
Gonzaga take an early lead through
full-back, Eoin Brophy, which he later Graham Love (S.5A)
extended with two more penalties Keith Mulcahy (S.5)
giving Gonzaga a deserved 9-0 half-
time lead. Then came a second half
onslaught by the talented Gerard's The Junior Cup Team 1987-88
back division, which yielded an
unconverted try four minutes after the Gonzaga's Juniors started the season
break. Pitched in their own 25 for the well and we were feeling quite con-
remainder of the match, Gonzaga dis- fident. Avoiding a white-washing by
played admirable defensive qualities Presentation Bray, who beat us 12-6,
spear-headed by captain and centre, added to our growing assurance.
Niall Carney. Numerous attacks were Everything did not run as smoothly
launched on the Gonzaga line only to as that, however, with heavy losses to
be crushed by the relentless tackling of Terenure and St Michael's in parti-
the backs, which earned them a 9-4 cular. There were quite a few injuries
victory and a place in the quarter- before Christmas, notably Stephen
finals against Blackrock. Kearns' dislocated knee, which left the
23 February was to be a great day front row minus a prop. With hard
for Gonzaga rugby. The encounter sessions during Christmas, the team
against Blackrock was one of the most pulled together.
exciting matches of the competition, After Christmas, the matches were
displaying all the positive attributes of very good and helpful. We did quite
Schools rugby. Again Gonzaga gained well, losing to eventual cup-winners,
an early lead through the boot of Eoin Pres. Bray 11-10 and losing to the
Brophy but saw it demolished by a fast finalists, Clongowes, 3-0, in the dying
Blackrock back-division. The scoreline stages of the match.
at half-time lay at a precarious 16-9 to And so to the cup. The draw was
Blackrock, but defensive shortcomings quite challenging and we were some-
in the second half saw them stretch what apprehensive about it.
their lead with two more tries. Al- Our first match was against St
though hampered by injuries, the Mary's in Lakelands, in torrential rain.
Gonzaga team rallied and attacked the The ground was treacherously slippy.
Blackrock try-line with vigour. Their In the first half, Gonzaga missed two
effort was rewarded when the indus- try-scoring chances. In the second
trious wing-forward, Murray Johnson, half, St Mary's missed two penalties. It
and right-wing, Martin Dunn, both ended as a 0-0 draw. We were happy
crossed over for tries. Both were well with the score initially but later looked
converted by Eoin Brophy. Unfortun- on it as a chance missed. Nevertheless,
ately for Gonzaga, the final whistle we realised we were good enough to
came too soon and Blackrock tri- beat them. In the next match we would
umphed 26-21. have to dominate the loose and the
Thus the cup campaign came to a tight and spoil their possession so as to
respectable end and Gonzaga had halt their formidable back-line.
every reason to be proud. We had The weather was better for the
Such a performance meant morale was many. With such a reserve of young
high heading into Christmas training. players, we can now look forward to
And so, the Green XV took the field next season's campaign with a very
at Danum on 8 February for their positive attitude and hope that our
second round match against a strong Lansdowne dream will become a
St Gerard's team. A large crowd saw reality.
Gonzaga take an early lead through
full-back, Eoin Brophy, which he later Graham Love (S.5A)
extended with two more penalties Keith Mulcahy (S.5)
giving Gonzaga a deserved 9-0 half-
time lead. Then came a second half
onslaught by the talented Gerard's The Junior Cup Team 1987-88
back division, which yielded an
unconverted try four minutes after the Gonzaga's Juniors started the season
break. Pitched in their own 25 for the well and we were feeling quite con-
remainder of the match, Gonzaga dis- fident. Avoiding a white-washing by
played admirable defensive qualities Presentation Bray, who beat us 12-6,
spear-headed by captain and centre, added to our growing assurance.
Niall Carney. Numerous attacks were Everything did not run as smoothly
launched on the Gonzaga line only to as that, however, with heavy losses to
be crushed by the relentless tackling of Terenure and St Michael's in parti-
the backs, which earned them a 9-4 cular. There were quite a few injuries
victory and a place in the quarter- before Christmas, notably Stephen
finals against Blackrock. Kearns' dislocated knee, which left the
23 February was to be a great day front row minus a prop. With hard
for Gonzaga rugby. The encounter sessions during Christmas, the team
against Blackrock was one of the most pulled together.
exciting matches of the competition, After Christmas, the matches were
displaying all the positive attributes of very good and helpful. We did quite
Schools rugby. Again Gonzaga gained well, losing to eventual cup-winners,
an early lead through the boot of Eoin Pres. Bray 11-10 and losing to the
Brophy but saw it demolished by a fast finalists, Clongowes, 3-0, in the dying
Blackrock back-division. The scoreline stages of the match.
at half-time lay at a precarious 16-9 to And so to the cup. The draw was
Blackrock, but defensive shortcomings quite challenging and we were some-
in the second half saw them stretch what apprehensive about it.
their lead with two more tries. Al- Our first match was against St
though hampered by injuries, the Mary's in Lakelands, in torrential rain.
Gonzaga team rallied and attacked the The ground was treacherously slippy.
Blackrock try-line with vigour. Their In the first half, Gonzaga missed two
effort was rewarded when the indus- try-scoring chances. In the second
trious wing-forward, Murray Johnson, half, St Mary's missed two penalties. It
and right-wing, Martin Dunn, both ended as a 0-0 draw. We were happy
crossed over for tries. Both were well with the score initially but later looked
converted by Eoin Brophy. Unfortun- on it as a chance missed. Nevertheless,
ately for Gonzaga, the final whistle we realised we were good enough to
came too soon and Blackrock tri- beat them. In the next match we would
umphed 26-21. have to dominate the loose and the
Thus the cup campaign came to a tight and spoil their possession so as to
respectable end and Gonzaga had halt their formidable back-line.
every reason to be proud. We had The weather was better for the