Page 60 - The Gonzaga Record 1988
P. 60


The Gonzaga Golf team had a very Senior Cup Team 1987-88
enjoyable season under the watchful
eye of Mr Bobby Byrne. The tourna- The presence of forty-seven individuals
ment was run in a league style system. at the first training session was a
We had deserved victories over High promising start to the 1987-88 season.
School and Terenure. Our only loss Little by little, under the watchful eyes
was to Colaiste Eanna, who fielded of Mr McCarthy and Mr Whirdy, this
two players who attained International number took the form of the First XV
Caps last summer. We also had vic- and Second XV.
tories against Crumlin CBS, De la As in preceding seasons the team
Salle Churchtown and St Calumba's. aot off to a slow start, but gradually
We look forward to greater things in ~athered pace culminating in stylish
the future. victories over High School, C.B.C. and
The Golf team contained: Brendan De La Salle. Although a defeat, the
Walsh, Keith Mulcahy, Michael Doran, encounter against the unbeaten St
Peter O'Keefe. Michael's, proved the highlight of the
friendlies. This match was fought with
Keith Mulcahy (S.5) a commitment and tenacity equal to


M. Doran, B. Walsh, P. O'Keefe, K. Mulcahy.

   55   56   57   58   59   60   61   62   63   64   65