Page 48 - The Gonzaga Record 1988
P. 48
and any qualms about the rule-of-iron and offered an opportunity to shine for
policy were forgotten as one went on which we thank him.
stage perfectly sure of one's part.
So in the end, we were not moulded John Cooney (S.5A)
but polished by the producer's hand

PREP SCHOOL attention to detail, and above all,
patience of the teachers involved ably
So numerous and diverse were the supported by the parents.
happenings during the year that it is Fr Alan Mowbray, S.J. was a regular
not possible to do justice to all the and popular visitor whose group
activities and persons involved. Note- celebrations of the Sacrament of
worthy however, was the departure of Reconciliation were warmly received
Fr William Lee, S. J. after many years and commented on by the boys. The
of dedicated service, latterly as chap- Prep 4 boys and parents spent a brief
lain to the Prep School. period discussing and reflecting on
The mild weather resulted in various aspects of our human develop-
excellent participation in both winter ment, an exercise which most found
and summer sports. Many parents enriching and worthwhile.
gave considerable time and effort to Many of the year's memorable
organising and ferrying pupils to experiences were outside the field of
matche s. book learning. Drama classes were
The Millennium Celebrations were a greatly enjoyed, and as was evidenced
dominant theme in the classroom, as on Sports' Day a standard of some
well as in outings and activities. Many excellence was achieved in art and
boys learned about the history of their pottery. The same day was also
locality leading to an appreciation of remarkable for the participation of so
and se nse of identity with their native many pupils and the organisational
city. assistance of so many teachers and
The walls of class rooms and parents. Many teachers remarked this
corridors were se ldom bare in a year year both in relation to classroom
which saw the production of more activities and games, on the honesty
projects than ever before. Virtually and sense of fair play in competition
eve ry class subject was studied in a among the pupils. This is a most
range of exciting and absorbing pro- desirable quality which surely augurs
jects undertaken with great enthusiasm well for the future.
and imagination by the pupils. The The huge Viking poster displayed on
completion and success of these pro- Sports Day encapsulates perhaps,
jects owes much to the dedication much of what has been memorable in
' the past year.

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