Page 46 - The Gonzaga Record 1988
P. 46
When we got back, everybody un- fanned onstage with a piece of card-
wound at Fr Moylan's mass before board. The wings are a chaos of cables
taking part in a quiz between the 3 and props.
dorms. 'Table' was out of contention Sometimes 'Rosencrantz and Guil-
after a while, and it was a two horse denstern are Dead' seems like a joke at
race between 'Lug' and 'Kaedeen". our expense as well as Shakespeare's: a
Tempers erupted when Messrs Bailey play which cannot be performed. The
and Quintan were suspected of col- two title characters have to deliver
lusion! However, justice was done and thousands of words each, and remain
'Lug' emerged victorious! They on stage for the whole play. The set
received a large box of sweets - has to change in an instant from a
courtesy of Mr McBryan and Mr castle to a ship. And then there are the
Fassbender. Then it was time for bed barrels: actors have to go down one,
again. At this point, I must mention seven at a time, and appear up
John Lambert, who despite an injury another. By and large, we coped with
sustained early in the first day, these challenges.
heroically battled on without causing David Kennedy and John Heffernan
much disruption. were superb as Rosencrantz and Guil-
The final day was spent cleaning up denstern respectively, seldom skipping
and going to Donard. On behalf of the more than a few pages of script as the
whole group, who I know thoroughly intricate dialogue threatened to go out
enjoyed the whole experience, I would of control. Sterling support was given
like to thank Mr McBryan, Mr Pass- by Willy Hederman as the majestic
bender, Anne and Billy Carpenter and Player King. From among his 'mecha-
of course, Fr Moylan, to whom we nics of cheap melodrama', Brendan
cannot express enough thanks for all Donlon and Killian Morris deserve
he has done this year. special mention for the pains they took
to achieve realism in the dumb show
Gareth Pelly (S.2A) scene: truly a case of self-sacrifice
beyond the call of duty.
In the royal court of Denmark,
Ciaran Twomey and Helen Warner were
ROSENCRANTZ AND suitably regal as king and queen, while
GUILDENSTERN ARE Tim Dawson performed the role of
DEAD Hamlet with demented energy. On the
receiving end of Hamlet's wrath,
The comic pornographer and the Ophelia (Emma Mclvor) countered
rabble of prostitutes have gone home. Tim's howls with some particularly
The stage on whi ch they acted, the effective shrieking. Another actor
little grey- blue world we made, has punishing his vocal chords was
been turned into a cheap hotel set. Jonathan Newman, whose version of
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Polonius was a classic of its kind.
dead. Yet nobody, on either side of the Assorted soldiers made up the
curtain, will forget those few hours of numbers in Elsinore.
suspended di sbelief. Then there were those who were
The audience see one side: the pretty only seen by the audience on Saturday
pictures, the carefull y arranged moves. night, when they emerged shyly from
The lights cut blue and yellow shafts their dark caverns in the wings. The
through the fog; a barrel lid rises and actors (emphasis on the second
the Pl aye r Kin g peeps out. From back- syllable) had strutted and fretted their
stage the view is different. The fog hours upon the stage, but now it was
comes from a machine and is gently our turn. For the first time the
wound at Fr Moylan's mass before board. The wings are a chaos of cables
taking part in a quiz between the 3 and props.
dorms. 'Table' was out of contention Sometimes 'Rosencrantz and Guil-
after a while, and it was a two horse denstern are Dead' seems like a joke at
race between 'Lug' and 'Kaedeen". our expense as well as Shakespeare's: a
Tempers erupted when Messrs Bailey play which cannot be performed. The
and Quintan were suspected of col- two title characters have to deliver
lusion! However, justice was done and thousands of words each, and remain
'Lug' emerged victorious! They on stage for the whole play. The set
received a large box of sweets - has to change in an instant from a
courtesy of Mr McBryan and Mr castle to a ship. And then there are the
Fassbender. Then it was time for bed barrels: actors have to go down one,
again. At this point, I must mention seven at a time, and appear up
John Lambert, who despite an injury another. By and large, we coped with
sustained early in the first day, these challenges.
heroically battled on without causing David Kennedy and John Heffernan
much disruption. were superb as Rosencrantz and Guil-
The final day was spent cleaning up denstern respectively, seldom skipping
and going to Donard. On behalf of the more than a few pages of script as the
whole group, who I know thoroughly intricate dialogue threatened to go out
enjoyed the whole experience, I would of control. Sterling support was given
like to thank Mr McBryan, Mr Pass- by Willy Hederman as the majestic
bender, Anne and Billy Carpenter and Player King. From among his 'mecha-
of course, Fr Moylan, to whom we nics of cheap melodrama', Brendan
cannot express enough thanks for all Donlon and Killian Morris deserve
he has done this year. special mention for the pains they took
to achieve realism in the dumb show
Gareth Pelly (S.2A) scene: truly a case of self-sacrifice
beyond the call of duty.
In the royal court of Denmark,
Ciaran Twomey and Helen Warner were
ROSENCRANTZ AND suitably regal as king and queen, while
GUILDENSTERN ARE Tim Dawson performed the role of
DEAD Hamlet with demented energy. On the
receiving end of Hamlet's wrath,
The comic pornographer and the Ophelia (Emma Mclvor) countered
rabble of prostitutes have gone home. Tim's howls with some particularly
The stage on whi ch they acted, the effective shrieking. Another actor
little grey- blue world we made, has punishing his vocal chords was
been turned into a cheap hotel set. Jonathan Newman, whose version of
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Polonius was a classic of its kind.
dead. Yet nobody, on either side of the Assorted soldiers made up the
curtain, will forget those few hours of numbers in Elsinore.
suspended di sbelief. Then there were those who were
The audience see one side: the pretty only seen by the audience on Saturday
pictures, the carefull y arranged moves. night, when they emerged shyly from
The lights cut blue and yellow shafts their dark caverns in the wings. The
through the fog; a barrel lid rises and actors (emphasis on the second
the Pl aye r Kin g peeps out. From back- syllable) had strutted and fretted their
stage the view is different. The fog hours upon the stage, but now it was
comes from a machine and is gently our turn. For the first time the