Page 45 - The Gonzaga Record 1988
P. 45
meetings as a worthwhile experiment. was soon apparent that some of the
Also at this meeting Messrs Horan, hikers were beginning to 'feel the pain'
Semple and Pelly presented the pam- and the prospect of conquering
phlet The Catholic School. Lobawn at a pace that left even the
On the Eve of the Ascension, Frs tireless Fr Moylan breathless, certainly
Moylan, Sexton and Dunne concele- didn't help. The last big climb of the
brated Mass for our final meeting. Fr day was the Sugarloaf. One of the
Sexton preached the homily. At the many weary travellers, trying to
end of Mass, Mrs Comerford played convince himself that the summit was
on the organ and Mrs Sheila Peregrine 'just around the next bend' . . . and
played Vivaldi's The Four Seasons on failing .. . was heard to remark 'When
the violin. The night ended with a will this mountain end?' was answered
party in the library during which the with a gleeful retort from Fr Moylan:
parents made a presentation to Fr 'You ain't seen nothing yet kid!' Need-
Moylan. less to say, he was true to his words
It was a successful year, not always and marched on relentlessly.
easy, since each person's needs are When we eventually arrived back at
different, but one that brought us the hostel, mass was said. After that,
closer together as a community. How the highly efficient Mr Fassbender lost
to incorporate the boys into the no tim<:: in pinning up a list of chores.
dialogue remains an important After everybody had eaten and the
question for next year. tasks were all completed, we per-
formed our 'soirees'. During the per-
formances, Mr Fassbender (not for the
first time, displaying extraordinary
EASTER HOSTELLING initiative) decided to mark each
individual and the dorm's total. 'Tabl e'
This year the chosen 21 were, without won, with 'Kaedeen' a close second
doubt, one of the most fortunate and 'Lugnaquilla' floundering in last
groups to go hostelling at Easter yet. place! Then we went to bed.
We were blessed with beautiful Most of us got up bright and early
weather and kept our rain-gear firmly - some of the others' early reluctance
in our rucksacks! was banished when informed that they
Oh Monday morning we assembled had 10 minutes to get breakfast! We all
at Crampton Quay in order to catch left at 10 o'clock for Kaedeen moun-
the 65 bus to Donard. From there we tain. We passed through downtown
had a 'short trot' to the youth hostel. Knockanarrigan en route. Luckil y, we
On our arrival, the two wardens - managed to avoid the rush hour!
Anne and Bill Carpenter - greeted us In my opinion, Kaedeen was the
warmly. After Mr McBryan arrived toughest climb of the walk and we
with the rest of the luggage, we un- were all very relieved to reach the
packed. Fr Moylan then called out the summit. We also managed to get to see
names of the three dorm leaders and Michael Dwyer's cottage. We came off
their platoons. Kaedeen on to Ballineedan and then
After half an hour had passed, we ascended Slievemaan. As the majority
set off for the first of our climbs, Table of us were totally exhausted by then, it
mountain. We walked along the road was no surprise when Fr Moylan's
beside the military range for a couple suggestion of going on to cl imb
of miles .. . then we started the climb Lugnaquilla, was greeted with ferve nt
- and a tough climb it was too! How- protests! Much to the disappointment
ever, we reached the summit and of the ambitious few, it was decided to
adjourned for a well deserved snack. It retrace our steps back to the hostel.
Also at this meeting Messrs Horan, hikers were beginning to 'feel the pain'
Semple and Pelly presented the pam- and the prospect of conquering
phlet The Catholic School. Lobawn at a pace that left even the
On the Eve of the Ascension, Frs tireless Fr Moylan breathless, certainly
Moylan, Sexton and Dunne concele- didn't help. The last big climb of the
brated Mass for our final meeting. Fr day was the Sugarloaf. One of the
Sexton preached the homily. At the many weary travellers, trying to
end of Mass, Mrs Comerford played convince himself that the summit was
on the organ and Mrs Sheila Peregrine 'just around the next bend' . . . and
played Vivaldi's The Four Seasons on failing .. . was heard to remark 'When
the violin. The night ended with a will this mountain end?' was answered
party in the library during which the with a gleeful retort from Fr Moylan:
parents made a presentation to Fr 'You ain't seen nothing yet kid!' Need-
Moylan. less to say, he was true to his words
It was a successful year, not always and marched on relentlessly.
easy, since each person's needs are When we eventually arrived back at
different, but one that brought us the hostel, mass was said. After that,
closer together as a community. How the highly efficient Mr Fassbender lost
to incorporate the boys into the no tim<:: in pinning up a list of chores.
dialogue remains an important After everybody had eaten and the
question for next year. tasks were all completed, we per-
formed our 'soirees'. During the per-
formances, Mr Fassbender (not for the
first time, displaying extraordinary
EASTER HOSTELLING initiative) decided to mark each
individual and the dorm's total. 'Tabl e'
This year the chosen 21 were, without won, with 'Kaedeen' a close second
doubt, one of the most fortunate and 'Lugnaquilla' floundering in last
groups to go hostelling at Easter yet. place! Then we went to bed.
We were blessed with beautiful Most of us got up bright and early
weather and kept our rain-gear firmly - some of the others' early reluctance
in our rucksacks! was banished when informed that they
Oh Monday morning we assembled had 10 minutes to get breakfast! We all
at Crampton Quay in order to catch left at 10 o'clock for Kaedeen moun-
the 65 bus to Donard. From there we tain. We passed through downtown
had a 'short trot' to the youth hostel. Knockanarrigan en route. Luckil y, we
On our arrival, the two wardens - managed to avoid the rush hour!
Anne and Bill Carpenter - greeted us In my opinion, Kaedeen was the
warmly. After Mr McBryan arrived toughest climb of the walk and we
with the rest of the luggage, we un- were all very relieved to reach the
packed. Fr Moylan then called out the summit. We also managed to get to see
names of the three dorm leaders and Michael Dwyer's cottage. We came off
their platoons. Kaedeen on to Ballineedan and then
After half an hour had passed, we ascended Slievemaan. As the majority
set off for the first of our climbs, Table of us were totally exhausted by then, it
mountain. We walked along the road was no surprise when Fr Moylan's
beside the military range for a couple suggestion of going on to cl imb
of miles .. . then we started the climb Lugnaquilla, was greeted with ferve nt
- and a tough climb it was too! How- protests! Much to the disappointment
ever, we reached the summit and of the ambitious few, it was decided to
adjourned for a well deserved snack. It retrace our steps back to the hostel.