Page 53 - The Gonzaga Record 1987
P. 53
Standing: P. Keelan, P. Eliet, P. Gleeson, S. McManamon, F. Gormley, P. Morris.
Seated: B. McEvoy, D. Breslin , Rev D. Cefai SJ, D. O'Connor, P. Connell an.
THE SIXTH YEAR TRIP He was replaced by Mr David Cefai, SJ
TO LOURDES who is a Jesuit Maltese scholastic
studying at Gonzaga for his Higher
The Gonzaga Sixth Year inaugural trip Diploma in Education. And so, eleven
to Lourdes took place shortly after we of us boarded a plane for Lourdes at
returned to school in September. It 10.40 p.m. on 7 September.
lasted from 7-12 September. It was We had only three hours sleep that
organised by Fr Peter Sexton SJ . We night, and then reported at the Acceuil
were a group of ten students: Dara de Notre Dame, the hospital at
Breslin, Paul Connellan, Pierre Eliet, Lourdes for invalids. We were all rather
and Paul Gleeson, all from Senior Six, apprehensive, not knowing precisely
with Felim Gormley, Paul Keelan, what was expected of us and what
Brendan McEvoy, Sean McManamon, work we would be doing. We soon got
Peter Morris, and David O'Connor over our inexperience and were busy
from the Senior Six A. wheeling the invalids down to the
We spent five days and nights acting opening Mass in the Grotto, where
as brancardiers (that is, looking after Our Lady first appeared to Bernadette.
patients in wheel-chairs) in association We soon became familiar with our
with the Annual Dublin Diocesan routine. The tasks of the brancardiers
Pilgrimage. are varied and the hours are very long.
After all the arrangements had been They rise at 6.0 a.m. for breakfast and
made, and we were ready and prepared must be at the Hospital at 6.30 a.m.
to go, Fr Peter Sexton was suddenly for ward duty. This includes dressing
called away owing to family sickness. the patients, as well as washing and
Standing: P. Keelan, P. Eliet, P. Gleeson, S. McManamon, F. Gormley, P. Morris.
Seated: B. McEvoy, D. Breslin , Rev D. Cefai SJ, D. O'Connor, P. Connell an.
THE SIXTH YEAR TRIP He was replaced by Mr David Cefai, SJ
TO LOURDES who is a Jesuit Maltese scholastic
studying at Gonzaga for his Higher
The Gonzaga Sixth Year inaugural trip Diploma in Education. And so, eleven
to Lourdes took place shortly after we of us boarded a plane for Lourdes at
returned to school in September. It 10.40 p.m. on 7 September.
lasted from 7-12 September. It was We had only three hours sleep that
organised by Fr Peter Sexton SJ . We night, and then reported at the Acceuil
were a group of ten students: Dara de Notre Dame, the hospital at
Breslin, Paul Connellan, Pierre Eliet, Lourdes for invalids. We were all rather
and Paul Gleeson, all from Senior Six, apprehensive, not knowing precisely
with Felim Gormley, Paul Keelan, what was expected of us and what
Brendan McEvoy, Sean McManamon, work we would be doing. We soon got
Peter Morris, and David O'Connor over our inexperience and were busy
from the Senior Six A. wheeling the invalids down to the
We spent five days and nights acting opening Mass in the Grotto, where
as brancardiers (that is, looking after Our Lady first appeared to Bernadette.
patients in wheel-chairs) in association We soon became familiar with our
with the Annual Dublin Diocesan routine. The tasks of the brancardiers
Pilgrimage. are varied and the hours are very long.
After all the arrangements had been They rise at 6.0 a.m. for breakfast and
made, and we were ready and prepared must be at the Hospital at 6.30 a.m.
to go, Fr Peter Sexton was suddenly for ward duty. This includes dressing
called away owing to family sickness. the patients, as well as washing and