Page 97 - The Gonzaga Record 1986
P. 97
century. The collection of objects and Talbot. From then until 1973, with a
implements which make up the mus- short break during Cromwell's Rule,
eum is housed in an old church. There the castle and estate were occupied by
is the main body of the church, a bel- Sir Richard's descendants. In 1973 the
fry and a round tower. The tower was Hon. Rose Talbot, the last of the Tal-
built in the eight century, the belfry in bot dynasty, donated the house to the
about 1480 and the main church in state. Few Irish stately homes had arti-
1847. On show there are many house- facts such as those in Malahide, whi ch
hold items of the 1800s. There are were of great value and historic impor-
recreated kitchens and hearths and tance. The entire castle is fully furn-
many agricultural implements. Also in ished with genuine furnishings of the
the museum there are old coins and period. All the rooms are complete,
medals which have been recovered right down to the make-up cases in the
from shipwrecks in the area. There are bedrooms.
also many other items too numerous The castle at Malahide is an immac-
to list but well worth seeing nonethe- ulately preserved and maintained ex-
less. ample of an Irish stately home in all its
Our final destination on the trip was finery. Even if it had no his torical
Malahide Castle. This is really more a value, it would be worth a visit. The in-
stately home than a castle. It does not teresting background of the castle
match the traditional picture of a cas- makes it more so.
tle - a cold, draughty, crumbling hulk Apart from the house itsel f the
with 12 foot thick walls and slit win- grounds make a wonderful park and
dows. Instead this castle is beautifully nature reserve. There are some fine
furnished, comfortable, manor house. picnic spots and the soccer pitches are
As the need for defence grew less over superb!
the ages, generations of Lords and On the whole we had a most inter-
Ladies of the manor have made it esting and enjoyable trip, thanks to
more comfortable and luxurious. good weather and great teachers.
The castle was built in 1185 when
Prince John, son of Henry II, granted Denis O'Sullivan (Prep. 3)
it with 250 acres of land to Sir Richard

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