Page 96 - The Gonzaga Record 1990
P. 96
23 March Top hats and tea are in evidence and raise £400 for
the 5th year project. Alka-Seltzer report a 15% rise
in profits.

Mr Cusack resigns himself to being the elder
statesman of Gonzaga chess as Mark Quinn of Senior
2 wins the school chess tournament for the second
year runnmg.

2 April On time, under budget; the new, streamlined Fred
the tortoise is sent off to Limerick, by Maxi, Peter
Sutherland and the Lord Mayor. Clare bell, the grand
old elephant at the 5th year project graces Dublin
with her presence.

6 April With bloodshot eyes and caffeine overdose, the 5th-
years stagger into school to find to their terror the
Mocks have begun.

7 April Weary Limerick and Dublin trekkers return to find
that they have raised £24,000.

8 April They celebrate.

22-26 April Risking life and limb 4th-years accompany Mr
Whirdy and Mr McCarthy for a week in the Delphi
Adventure Centre, in County Mayo.

4-6 May Ms MacConville takes time off her day job as the
Amnesty play's Assistant Director to lead the annual
First-year Geography pilgrimage to the Burren.

11 May Mr Regan unveils his latest triumph, Henrik lbsen's
''An Enemy of the People''. The £305 raised went
to Amnesty International.

14 May It's the 0-levels. No it's the GCE's. No it's the
GCSE's. Well, whatever they are, they've begun.

19 May Sports Day is as usual a great success due to the hard
work of Mr Whirdy and Mr O'Connell in the sports
and artistic fields respectively.

25 May Fr Sexton says his last Mass before the assembled
school. A strong inspiring au revoir from him.
Students present him with a return ticket to visit his
mother from Zimbabwe.

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