Page 95 - The Gonzaga Record 1990
P. 95
_1 De ember The pati ents in the Royal Hospital, Donnybrook are
delighted with their presents and juicy ki sses from
Santa Claus alias Jason Catty at the Vincent de Paul
party. Christmas holidays begin .
ll/12113 January It's back, the evergreen, everl asting, ever enter-
taining Opera now in its 15th year.
29 January Gonzaga begin their Senior Cup campaign
encouragingly with a 13-6 victory over Kil kenny
Coll ege in Jones Road.
5 February Despite a vali ant battle, the J.C.T . lose out 14-6 to
Wesley College, the eventual runners-up , in the first
7 February Noel's Green Army march on with an emphatic 23-0
win over St Columbas in the Belfi eld quagmire.
22 February An injury-stricken Gonzaga team fall gallantl y 4-3
to Belvedere under the Donnybrook stand.
23 February Messrs Bevan and Cusack gird themselves for battle,
spearheaded by Fr Brennan they emerge triumphant
from the (sometimes) annual pupil-teacher debate.
2 March Marcus Dowling and Ed Farrelly bring home th e
Leinster title in the Bank of Ireland Choice Debate.
They successfully defend the motion ''That thi s house
would sink the Mayflower" .
12 March Mr Slevin warns 5th-years that he can't wave his
magic wand. He goes on to say that we're all slid ing
down slippery slopes. Unfortunately thi s, one of his
perennial lectures, could not have taken pl ace at a
worse time as proparone was sliding all over one of
the desks by the end of the class . It al so managed
to find its way into a certain 5th-year's trousers.
Three minutes later, shouts of agony such as "My
boxer-shorts are disintegrating'' were heard from the
toilet echoing down the corridor.
21 March Despite their best-ever performance in the
competition Gonzaga falls one point short of vi ctory
in the History Quiz.
delighted with their presents and juicy ki sses from
Santa Claus alias Jason Catty at the Vincent de Paul
party. Christmas holidays begin .
ll/12113 January It's back, the evergreen, everl asting, ever enter-
taining Opera now in its 15th year.
29 January Gonzaga begin their Senior Cup campaign
encouragingly with a 13-6 victory over Kil kenny
Coll ege in Jones Road.
5 February Despite a vali ant battle, the J.C.T . lose out 14-6 to
Wesley College, the eventual runners-up , in the first
7 February Noel's Green Army march on with an emphatic 23-0
win over St Columbas in the Belfi eld quagmire.
22 February An injury-stricken Gonzaga team fall gallantl y 4-3
to Belvedere under the Donnybrook stand.
23 February Messrs Bevan and Cusack gird themselves for battle,
spearheaded by Fr Brennan they emerge triumphant
from the (sometimes) annual pupil-teacher debate.
2 March Marcus Dowling and Ed Farrelly bring home th e
Leinster title in the Bank of Ireland Choice Debate.
They successfully defend the motion ''That thi s house
would sink the Mayflower" .
12 March Mr Slevin warns 5th-years that he can't wave his
magic wand. He goes on to say that we're all slid ing
down slippery slopes. Unfortunately thi s, one of his
perennial lectures, could not have taken pl ace at a
worse time as proparone was sliding all over one of
the desks by the end of the class . It al so managed
to find its way into a certain 5th-year's trousers.
Three minutes later, shouts of agony such as "My
boxer-shorts are disintegrating'' were heard from the
toilet echoing down the corridor.
21 March Despite their best-ever performance in the
competition Gonzaga falls one point short of vi ctory
in the History Quiz.